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Problem with VAITM ODS

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I have a weird problem with the VAITM ODS which is the data target for 2LIS_11_VAITM.

When I attempt to Reconstruct/Insert a request into the ODS, the process failes in Function RSSM_CONVERT_ODSSID_RNRSID when a NOT_FOUND condition is raised after failing to do a successful read on table rsreqicods for odssid 24188.

Why is it trying to read this table for that odssid? The request ID of the request I am trying to restore is 24186! I cant find 24188 anywhere as a request ID in the ODS. Note: I have 6 requests I need to Restore/Insert. I know I am supposed to restore them in order, but regardless of which one I am trying to restore, it still fails because it cant find request 24188 on that table. It looks like it's trying to convert a request ID to a request number.

It seems to me like somehow some control tables or something has gotten out of synch.

Any help will be appreciated.

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Request 24188 could have been a request related in an Initialization. Please check PSA history for that InfoSource to that ODS.

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I've looked at all the requests in the PSA for that Infosource to that ODS. There was 1 init done on 8/4 followed by 16 successful deltas since. Neither the init nor any of the deltas have that 24188 request id.

Now what's odd, and maybe this helps identify the problem, but if I delete the latest successful delta from the ODS, which would be 24177 now, and then try to reconstruct/insert it, I will get the same short dump for the same reason. It still tries to find that 24188 request in the table.

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Additional information.

When I go to the Reconstruction Tab on the ODS and click on the little flower box and enter the selection criteria of:

Infosource - 2lis_11_vaitm

From date 1/1/2006

To date: 12/31/2006

Request 24188 still does not appear. The numbers go from 24187 to 24203

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OK, I found out where it's getting the 24,188 request id.

In the table RSMDATASTATE for that ODS, 24,188 is the value in the DMEXIST and DMALL fields.

Now, can someone explain to me what that means?


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Hi Wardell,

Looking at the posts, I assume that the Request ID 24188 is the PSA ID(generated while activating the ODS) of the Request ID 24186.

I guess this Request 24186 was loaded and activated in the VAITM ODS which resulted in generation of the PSA ID with the ID 24188. This request would have data marted to the Next ODS/Cube which has resulted in the entry found in table RSMDATASTATE. RSMDATASTATE stores the latest Data Marted entry for that ODS in DMEXIST DMALL fields.

Can you check the table RSDMDELTA for the entry PARTID = 24188, this would display the request ID(REQU*) which loaded from VAITM ODS to the Next level ODS/CUBE.

Ideally 24188 should exist in the table RSREQICODS, Could you check this table for the request id 24186, and let me know the value for the field ODSSID.

Its difficult to analyse such situations without having access to the system.

If possible could you send scr shots( of the tables and ODS manage and reconstruction tabs. Also check if the request 24186 exists in PSA / Change log of the VAITM ODS.



Message was edited by: praveen mathew

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