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Problem with the fiori SLCM Formruntime extension app in launchpad

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Hello dear experts,

I faced one problem which still not able to solve.

Formruntime app from SLCM domain is a SAPUI5 app itself and using unified shell.

My task is to change it a bit (remove standard header and integrate it to launchpad). I created extension project and did small changes in some of the views. I uploaded the app as a BSP to gateway and made necessary customizations in Launchpad designer. Now I am able to run this extension app from FLP as well as standalone app. In case of standalone mode everything is smooth and works as expected. But in case of launching from launchpad, first Master view is opened as expected, but while going inside detail view and clicking to apply button to create new I faced such a problem:

Click "Create New Application"

Detail page:

After clicking Apply button:


Probably the reason is there is something wrong with routing but in case of standalone mode I don't face this problem.

PS. The problem is very specific therefore probably somebody faced similar problem with other apps and was able to solve. I appreciate any help and hints.

Thanks in advance,

Best regards,


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Was able to solve this issue only via modification the standard. Copied standard Formruntime to Z_Formruntime, and changed these lines in Service.js:

var u = new URI(j.RedirectUrl);
var l1 = (u.hash().split("/")[4] === 0) ? u.hash() : u.hash() + "/" + v.getModel('config').getData().selectedLanguage + "/section/1";
l1 = l1.substring(1);
this.oHasher = sap.ui.core.routing.HashChanger.getInstance();

Of course, this is not a nice solution, but I did not find any alternative.

Best regards,
