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Problem with SQLAnywhere and ODBC

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Problème with SQlAnywhere Sybase

Sur un Pc Windows 7 64bits, en PB12.6 il fonctionne dans le database painter, mais il ne fonctionne pas en run ou runtime.

Le message SQLSTATE=IM002

Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager Datasource name not found and no default driver specified.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Thank you Chris,

There was actually a problem in the DBPARM=connectstring of the application.  It was false!

It is OK,


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Excellentes nouvelles Pascal!  

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
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Hi Pascal;

1) In the DB Profile Painter, you should be able to open up the SA ODBC profile. Then looking at the Preview tab page, you should see how the SQLCA transaction object is being set, as follows:

2) You must now ensure that your PowerBuilder application uses similar coding to load the SQLCA transaction object properties as you would have seen in the DB Profile painter's preview.


Regards ... Chris

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-Le profil ODBC est bien référencé dans le ODBC32.

-Dans le database painter de PB12.6, il n'y a aucun problème pour ouvrir la base SQLAnywhere et accéder aux différentes tables.

-Par contre, lorsque je fais "run" pour visualiser l'application en développement je reçois le message :


Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager Datasource name not found and no default driver specified.

-Le problème est identique en PB12.5.

-Je rencontre ce problème depuis que j'ai changé de Pc de développement...

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Product and Topic Expert
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PB 12.6 IDE is a 32-bit process and can only communicate with 32-bit database drivers, meaning 32-bit client files.

At runtime, you can generate and deploy either a 32bit EXE or a 64bit EXE.

Depending on the bitness and if the EXE communicates with an ODBC datasource, you have to configure the proper admintool.

For 32bit, you have to run the odbcad32.exe from the SysWow64 subfolder