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Problem starting Java external environment


Hi, Listers, My name is Jeff Talavera, and I'm trying to set Java external environment on a SQLAnyWhere 12 database, running ina Windows XP 64bits env. and on a Windows 7 prof. too. when i do the START EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT JAVA, a got the following error:

Could not execute statement. External environment cannot be started, external process terminated on start up SQLCODE=-1567, ODBC 3 State="HY000" Line 4, column 28


I do check the Java VM roperty with the command: SELECT db_property('JAVAVM'); and is just fine, is pointing to my : D:Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.7.0binjava.exe I looked in the SyBase manual, but can't get any help from there. can anybody help me? Thank you in advance. Best Regards.

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Former Member
0 Kudos

You have a XP 64Bit, and you reference to a 32-Bit java.

So now the question is: Are you using a 32 or 64 Bit dbeng12/dbsrv12 ?

0 Kudos

Thank You, ASchild. that was the rigtht solution.

Best Regards.

0 Kudos

So you tried to use a 32-bit Java environment with a 64-bit SQL Anyhwere server?

FWIW, that should work under the following circumstances:

If the Java VM is a different bitness than the database server, then ensure that the client libraries with the same bitness as the VM are installed on the database server machine.

So if you install the 32-bit JDBC client binaries (in addition to the 64-bit ones), that should suffice.