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Problem installing SQLA OnDemand edition on Linux

Former Member

Hi experts,

I tried to add a linux host to my existing cloud running on Windows 2008 Server. I downloaded the Linux version and ran the dbcloudaddhost package as a root user. Here is the result:

root@ubuntu:/home/mmueller/Downloads# ./dbcloudaddhost 
Connecting to
Login: admin
Downloading install files.
Creating directory /tmp/.SQLAnywhere//SAOnDemandInstall/bin64
Creating directory /tmp/.SQLAnywhere//SAOnDemandInstall/lib64
Creating directory /tmp/.SQLAnywhere//SAOnDemandInstall/res
Creating directory /tmp/.SQLAnywhere//SAOnDemandInstall/res/language
Creating directory /tmp/.SQLAnywhere//SAOnDemandInstall/res/language/de
Creating directory /tmp/.SQLAnywhere//SAOnDemandInstall/res/language/en
Creating directory /tmp/.SQLAnywhere//SAOnDemandInstall/res/language/fr
Creating directory /tmp/.SQLAnywhere//SAOnDemandInstall/res/language/ja
Creating directory /tmp/.SQLAnywhere//SAOnDemandInstall/res/language/zh
Creating directory /tmp/.SQLAnywhere//SAOnDemandInstall/res/scripts
Running Linux installer.
SQL Anywhere Support Utility Version
SQL Anywhere Service Utility
Creating SQL Anywhere service: dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683 File: /etc/init.d/SA_dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683
 Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/SA_dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683 ...
   /etc/rc0.d/K80SA_dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683 -> ../init.d/SA_dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683
   /etc/rc1.d/K80SA_dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683 -> ../init.d/SA_dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683
   /etc/rc4.d/K80SA_dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683 -> ../init.d/SA_dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683
   /etc/rc6.d/K80SA_dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683 -> ../init.d/SA_dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683
   /etc/rcS.d/K80SA_dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683 -> ../init.d/SA_dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683
   /etc/rc2.d/S60SA_dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683 -> ../init.d/SA_dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683
   /etc/rc3.d/S60SA_dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683 -> ../init.d/SA_dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683
   /etc/rc5.d/S60SA_dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683 -> ../init.d/SA_dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683
Starting SQL Anywhere "dbcloudagent" service: dbcloudagent1.0.0.3683
Waiting for agent to start.
Failed to start agent.

root@ubuntu:/home/mmueller/Downloads# ps -ef | grep cloud
root     11566     1  0 11:10 ?        00:00:00 /opt/saondemand100/sa-linux64-x64- /opt/saondemand100/sa-linux64-x64- -ud
root     14420  3940  0 11:12 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto cloud

My Linux is Ubuntu 12.04.

As you can see there is a dbcloudagent running, but the installer fails with "Failed to start agent".

Any idea what to do?



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Answers (1)

Former Member

It appears as though (as you indicated in your email) your Linux machine cannot resolve the host name of your Windows machine. We do not determine the agent to be running until after it has successfully contacted the cloud primary and registered itself.

Your proposed solution of adjusting your hosts file will probably resolve your problem, but keep in mind that all machines in your cloud must be able to contact all others. So as you scale your cloud out, you may need to add more entries to your hosts file.

Fixing the DNS lookup is certainly a more maintainable solution. You might also consider NIS (the Windows way of resolving host names) by adding it to the "hosts:" line in /etc/nsswitch.conf.

Once you have resolved your DNS issues, I would recommend running the uninstaller (/opt/saondemand100/ and re-running dbclouddownloader.

For posterity, here is the relevant entry from the agent log (sanitized, of course):

[2012-07-17T16:57:19.065+02:00] dbcloudagent_poller_info  message=[GET https://***:443/dbcloud(primary)/agents(name='***')?machine_name=***&tcpip_addresses=***&timestamp=2012-07-17T14:57:19.056&id=***]
[2012-07-17T16:57:24.268+02:00] dbcloudagent_poller_http_error  message=[Error making HTTPS connection] code=4 reason=[Cannot resolve hostname or bad IP address]
[2012-07-17T16:57:24.268+02:00] dbcloudagent_poller_info  message=[No server reachable]