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Problem during SAP Solution Manager Migration - create secure store

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

I have a problem during a migration of my SAP SOLUTION MANAGEER from Linux ORACLE to AIX 6.1 ORACLE


I have done the export of the database and now i start with the import.

SAPINST stopped at Create Secure Store phase and this is the log of SercureStoreCreate.log file.

Unhandled exception

Type=Segmentation error vmState=0x00000000

J9Generic_Signal_Number=00000004 Signal_Number=0000000b Error_Value=00000000 Signal_Code=00000033

Handler1=09001000A1271B80 Handler2=09001000A1269C20

R0=0000000000000000 R1=0FFFFFFFFFFFD460 R2=0000000000000010 R3=0000000000000010

R4=000000000000000B R5=09000000089B70A0 R6=0000000111BBE829 R7=0000000000000018

R8=0000000111C23D58 R9=000000003A470000 R10=0000000111B99CB8 R11=09000000089CD638

R12=0900000008970594 R13=000000011000D0C0 R14=0000000111BBE7B8 R15=0000000110096400

R16=00000001110EC8B0 R17=0000000111C23FD8 R18=09001000A12753A8 R19=0000000000000013

R20=0000000111C23FB8 R21=0000000111BBE848 R22=0000000110096480 R23=0000000000000000

R24=0000000000000000 R25=0000000110001098 R26=0000000110096400 R27=0000000110016870

R28=0000000000000000 R29=07000000001DD260 R30=000000000000000B R31=0000000000000010

IAR=09000000089CD638 LR=00000001108BB6C0 MSR=A00000000000D032 CTR=09000000089CD638

CR=4222422420000004 FPSCR=8202200000000000 XER=2000000482022000

FPR0 3fe8000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 7.500000e-01)

FPR1 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)

FPR2 3fe8000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 7.500000e-01)

FPR3 4530000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 1.934281e+25)

FPR4 4330000000400000 (f: 4194304.000000, d: 4.503600e+15)

FPR5 4330000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 4.503600e+15)

FPR6 3fb9999999999999 (f: 2576980480.000000, d: 1.000000e-01)

FPR7 3c63333333333333 (f: 858993472.000000, d: 8.326673e-18)

FPR8 0000000082024000 (f: 2181185536.000000, d: 1.077649e-314)

FPR9 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)

FPR10 4330000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 4.503600e+15)

FPR11 4077f00000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 3.830000e+02)

FPR12 3fe8000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 7.500000e-01)

FPR13 4071f40000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 2.872500e+02)

FPR14 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)

FPR15 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)

FPR16 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)

FPR17 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)

FPR18 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)

FPR19 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)

FPR20 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)

FPR21 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)

FPR22 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)

FPR23 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)

FPR24 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)

FPR25 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)

FPR26 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)

FPR27 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)

FPR28 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)

FPR29 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)

FPR30 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)

FPR31 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)



Target=2_30_20070530_12820_BHdSMr (AIX 6.1)

CPU=ppc64 (4 logical CPUs) (0x80000000 RAM)

JVMDUMP006I Processing Dump Event "gpf", detail "" - Please Wait.

JVMDUMP007I JVM Requesting System Dump using '/tmp/sapinst_instdir/SOLMAN/LM/COPY/ORA/SYSTEM/CENTRAL/AS/core.20110907.081216.6947032.dmp'

JVMDUMP010I System Dump written to /tmp/sapinst_instdir/SOLMAN/LM/COPY/ORA/SYSTEM/CENTRAL/AS/core.20110907.081216.6947032.dmp

JVMDUMP007I JVM Requesting Snap Dump using '/tmp/sapinst_instdir/SOLMAN/LM/COPY/ORA/SYSTEM/CENTRAL/AS/Snap0002.20110907.081216.6947032.trc'

JVMDUMP010I Snap Dump written to /tmp/sapinst_instdir/SOLMAN/LM/COPY/ORA/SYSTEM/CENTRAL/AS/Snap0002.20110907.081216.6947032.trc

JVMDUMP007I JVM Requesting Java Dump using '/tmp/sapinst_instdir/SOLMAN/LM/COPY/ORA/SYSTEM/CENTRAL/AS/javacore.20110907.081216.6947032.txt'

JVMDUMP010I Java Dump written to /tmp/sapinst_instdir/SOLMAN/LM/COPY/ORA/SYSTEM/CENTRAL/AS/javacore.20110907.081216.6947032.txt

JVMDUMP013I Processed Dump Event "gpf", detail "".

Could please help me for finishing the migration?

Thanks in advance


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Former Member
0 Kudos

HI Zoltan,

you think it is possible that my error is due to the fact that the password of the administrator user J2EE_ADMIN is incorrect?

I tell you that, because the customer dosen't remember the J2EE_ADMIN password in the source system and when sapinst ask me to insert the password, I try to insert one, but the customer isen't sure it is the good one



Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Can you paste the enties from SecureStoreCreate.log file?


Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Can you paste the enties from SecureStoreCreate.log file?


0 Kudos

This does not look like a problem related to an incorrect password.

Please check note 810008.

Consult the output of "java -version" as performed by the SAP administration user (sidadm) to see what specific JVM is is installed and used.

