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Problem about settings in JDBC

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I have a question regarding the jdbc adapter.

Our Company is at the moment using the xi server of our former "Mother-company", which is in a different network.

When I configure the jdbc adapter like that:

JDBC Treiber: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

Connection: jdbc:oracle:thin:@G1s:1521:TDM

G1s is my local notebook in our network on which the database is running.

I can configure the xi server (in the other network), while being in our network.

I think this is a stupid question, but is it possible that the integration server can't find the database because he doesn't know my notebook (G1s)?


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but is it possible that the integration server can't find the database because he doesn't know my notebook (G1s)?

The integration server will find the receiver system using the Business system or service name. Now ur JDBC system is in network. So it should be accessible through XI. There shouldnt be any problem in communication.



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so one Business System has to be my notebook (as technical system)?

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Yes. But as it is a JDBC system, u may use Third Party Business system or a Business Service



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so when I use a 3rd party business system, this one must have a technical system in our network. And because of that xi will find my notebook. Is that correct?

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Yes , Exactly

You need the Technical system and for that we need to create Corrsponding BS in SLD



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so when I use a 3rd party business system, this one must have a technical system in our network


And because of that xi will find my notebook. Is that correct?

After determining the receiver system, XI will use its adapter to try to connect to ur notebook and as it is in same network it should find it without any problem

