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Printing a report

Former Member
0 Kudos

I have a thick java report viewer that I would like to print from programmatically. I tried using ReportViewerBean.printView(), which works, but I would rather not get the Windows printer popup and print directly to the default printer.

Can this be done?

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Answers (3)

Former Member
0 Kudos

I figured it out. I was trying to print before the report was finished loading. I added a "wait" loop and everything works. Thanks again for the help!

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thank you for the response. I tried something similar and it now prints but for some reason I am getting a thread trace in the console and a popup with the same trace. Any ideas?

                        PrintService defaultPrinter = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService();
                        PrintOutputController print = reportWorker.getReportClientDocument().getPrintOutputController();
                        PrintReportOptions options = new PrintReportOptions();

The message is displayed in a: com.crystaldecisions.Utilities.MessageBox

active-thread call stack:














~com.crystaldecisions.proxy.remoteagent.RemoteAgent.a(SourceFile:537) Source)<init>(Unknown Source) Source)

~com.businessobjects.crystalreports.viewer.core.ReportChannel.getReportChannel(Unknown Source) Source) Source)

~com.businessobjects.crystalreports.printer.bean.ReportPrinter.setReportSource(Unknown Source)

Former Member
0 Kudos


Could you try the below code snippet:

Retrieve the IReportPrinterOptions Interface from the report objects

IReportPrinterOptions PrinterOptions = oReport.getReportPrinterOptions();
printerOptions = setEnabled(true);
String printerName = XYZ; // Set the printer name

Let me know if this works


Rameez Shaikh