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Poor performance on IDM REST API, where to look to optimize?

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Hi experts,

we're building an app using SAP IDM rest api. When testing a simple request from postman :https://<server>:<port>/idmrestapi/v2/service/ET_MX_PERSON(ID=<userID>,TASK_GUID=guid'<taskGUID>'), the answer may take as long as 15 seconds to be returned, with only 30 attributes (and no links apart from the Mx_MANAGER).

Is this normal response time from the IDM api or should we look at the database or somewhere else to optimize it?

Thank you,



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Hello Clotilde,

it's clearly not the expected behavior. Try comparing the response time from REST to the response time for the same form accessed via WebDynpro. I suspect that you will see poor response time in the WebDynpro case as well. So the root cause is more likely to be in the form implementation, not in the REST API framework per se.

Maybe you have a slow access control - using custom SQL filters? - on the form or a slow SQL-based value help on one of the form's attributes. In my experience, these are common reasons why forms initally load slowly.

From project experience, I tend to say that the SAP IDM REST API works pretty efficiently, both in terms of response time and throughput. I've even seen it used successfully for bulk load operations of 1000+ new users - arguably not a recommended use case for REST, but solid proof that performance is not an issue if both the client and the server-side forms are designed properly.

So at least from a performance perspective, building an HTML5 app on top of it should be perfectly feasible.

HTH, Lambert