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PI 7.31 Single Stack IDOC_AAE Bean IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS not found on host xxxx..., ProgId =xxx... Message no. SR053 AND IDocException occurred in SM58

0 Kudos

Hi SAP Gurus...

We are getting an error while posting an Idoc to PI 7.31 Java stack....

The Idoc status showing as successful and status code 03 but its not reaching PI at all getting stuck in SM58 and showing following error as

Bean IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS not found on host XXXX, ProgId = XXX.....Message no. SR053. For you details please find the screenshot:

By selecting the entry executed LUW(F6) and now the error Message is showing like as:

IDocException occurred Message no. SR053. For you details please find the screenshot:

And moreover we tried different approaches from SDN

Michal Krawczyk :

William Li :

And gone through many discussions on PI 7.31 Single stack Java IDoc_AAE Configurations & Troubleshooting guides... like follows:

And still we could not found any solution...

Can anybody help us on this....Thanks in advance...

Best Regards,

Nageswara Rao.V

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Answers (5)

Answers (5)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Nageswara rao,

i don't know whether my answer is still important for you, but ok:

Please check whether your IDoc data structure in the sending system really fits to the IDoc definition configured in PO system.

best regards


0 Kudos

Dear Gurus,

Hope you are doing well...

Still I'm stuck with this IDOC_AAE issue, Could you please guide me on this...

or else is there any other alternative approaches to implement the IDoc Scenario in PI 7.31 Single stack???



Former Member
0 Kudos

Check the RFC destination created is working or not in ECC..

Change the gateway to true in NWA properties ..

what SP of PI you are on ?

we got the similar error IDoc exception on PI 7.31 SP5 after applying the note 1767710 issue got resolved..

please check the note once..



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Nageswara,

Please make sure that the Program ID configured is present in Inbound Java Resource adapter in NWA. Also make sure that this Program ID is not present in any other Inbound Java resource adapter.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Nageswara rao,

This issue might be authorization or JCO RFC issue.Also Re-check your configuration and check the whether Inbound IRA is working or not.

It may be the issue with the java engine, if java patches are not installed properly, we will face this issue.

First find the issue by using XPI inspector

also Check the SAP Note 1473183..

Hope it will helpful..


Bhargava Krishna

0 Kudos

Hi Krishna,

Many thanks for your reply, we provided all the required authorizations.

  • Looked into as many forums, SAP notes, blogs as possible, but could not able to resolve the issue.
  • And we are trying to find out the solution using XPI Inspector, in that we are getting the error as follows:
  • [JRA]ResourceAdapterImpl.sendDirectToMdb, Error: IDocException occurred
  • [JRA]handleRequest(), exception sent to client: IDocException occurred, CONVID=40592416
  • Caused by: (3) IDOC_ERROR_METADATA_UNAVAILABLE: Matching meta data for segment definition "E2IDKU1" not found when processing IDoc no. 0000000000XXXXXX of type "PEXR2002"

Thanks & Regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Nagesh,

  • [JRA]ResourceAdapterImpl.sendDirectToMdb, Error: IDocException occurred
  • [JRA]handleRequest(), exception sent to client: IDocException occurred, CONVID=40592416

Let me know your back-end system is uni-code or non-uni-code?

If Uni-code:

In uni-code ABAP back-end systems you always have to set the destination in SM59 to "Unicode" if the communication partner is JCo. There is no choice for setting the Non-Unicode option. It won't work.

If Non-uni-code:

If your ABAP back-end system would be non-uni-code, you would not be able to change the option to "Unicode" in SM59. You can't select those fields.So if you are able to choose, you are running a uni-code system and have to select the "Unicode" option then.

--> can you check the destination, which is pointed to the PI system (SM 59 in ERP system).

--> Go to RFC Destination in sm59 at sender and set Unicode (MDMP and Unicode) as enabled.

  • Caused by: (3) IDOC_ERROR_METADATA_UNAVAILABLE: Matching meta data for segment definition "E2IDKU1" not found when processing IDoc no. 0000000000XXXXXX of type "PEXR2002"

--> Please verify whether you have set the Unicode option while creating RFC destinations but there can be an authorization issue too.

--> Check your SAP release and give the correct number in the idoc communication channel.

you should enter a correct release using the SAPRelease parameter.

--> You can refer to this SAP Notes "1473183" for more detailed info.

Hope it will helpful...


Bhargava krishna

0 Kudos

Hi Bhargava Krishna,

Let me know your back-end system is uni-code or non-uni-code?

If Uni-code:

In uni-code ABAP back-end systems you always have to set the destination in SM59 to "Unicode" if the communication partner is JCo. There is no choice for setting the Non-Unicode option. It won't work.

If Non-uni-code:

If your ABAP back-end system would be non-uni-code, you would not be able to change the option to "Unicode" in SM59. You can't select those fields.So if you are able to choose, you are running a uni-code system and have to select the "Unicode" option then.

--> can you check the destination, which is pointed to the PI system (SM 59 in ERP system).

--> Go to RFC Destination in sm59 at sender and set Unicode (MDMP and Unicode) as enabled.

  • You are right, Our Back-end R/3 System is a Non-Unicode system, and we are not able to change that option too...

--> You can refer to this SAP Notes "1473183" for more detailed info.

  • And we already gone through that note "1473183".

Note says:

IDOC_ERROR_METADATA_UNAVAILABLE: The meta data for the IDoc type 'MATMAS03' is unavailable
(104) RFC_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE: no Beans listening for name IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS registered for <ProgID> on system <systemID>
Bean IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS not found on host <hostName>, ProgId =<ProgId>: Object not found in lookup of IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS.registered entries for FuctionName=JNDIName : {RSPOR_SETUP_CHECK=PRTRFC_BASE, UWL_PUSH_ITEMS=PRTRFC_BASE}


  • Clear chache by calling following url on MII instance


In addtion for MII 12.0 clear Exception chache by calling following url:

  • Stop/start NW instance
  • Stop/start xapps* and sapjra* applications in NWA (http://<host>:<port>/nwa) -> Operation Management -> Systems -> Start & Stop -> Java EE Application tab -> Filter name by xapps* and sapjra* and stop all applications first then start all applications one by one.

  • It seems It is not related to our implementation, because according to that note they are using something different MII Listener...
  • Here I'm getting little  bit confusion, Can you please make me clear...

Thanks & Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Gageswara,

Please make sure that the user has sufficient authorizations.

You need the S_IDOCDEFT

(EDI_TCD = "WE30"; ACTVT = "03") authorization.

0 Kudos

Hi Vengal,

Thanks for reply, We have provided the all the authorizations("SAP_ALL") for that user

But, still we are getting same error...

