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Performance ....InfoCube and Aggregates

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I would like to enquire how does aggregate is integrated with infocube how does solves the problem accessing data



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Former Member
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Hi Nathan,

As I stated earlier, aggregates would be used to increase the performance of the queries on an Infocube. If you have specifications from the users that they would a query with certain characteristics and/or for certain time period then you could decide the aggreget before hand.

But in Production scenarios most of the aggegates are created to improve the performance of certain queries when the users feel the performance needs to be improved.



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Dinesh Lalchand

You have a very good explanation .... on this is it possible can you give the process flow that leads to the requirement of usage of aggregate and also how do we indentiy it in an early stage.



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Hi Nathan,

Aggregates are good if they are properly used/implemented. If they are not, they just consume hard disk space and add burden to the query processor. So be careful with them. They also pose an additional load during extraction...



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Hi Jkyle,

could you please elaborate on what exactly is proper use & implementation of aggregates?



Former Member
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Hi Nathan,

Aggregates are like small cubes that contain the cube data based on certain characteristics and key figures. Basically they are created for Performance enhnacement during reporting. Suppose your Sales cube contains large amount of data and you want to report on data only for a particular Sales area for a certain Fiscal year. In such cases it would take a long time to fetch the data. So we would create aggregates based on that sales area and FY. So when the query is run it fetches the data from the aggregate rather than hitting the cube thus enhancing the performance. You would activate and fill the aggregate each time a cube is loaded so that the aggregate will have the latest data.

More Info can be found at:



Message was edited by: Dinesh Lalchand