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Passing parameters using post method

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Hi all,

I need to invocate an iView passing parameters using the POST method. I looks like to this:

<FORM POST="METHOD" ACTION="http://..ROLES://...iView1">

The iView points to an jsp that pick up the parameters.

I have set post method in the iView but I'm getting an error 500.

Any ideas about what's wrong?


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Former Member
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Using "Fetch Mode=Client-Side", it works, but the parameters are not passed.

I am integrating two applications and I need to pass parameters from an ASP page to a WebDynpro page using an Integrator iView.

Is it possible to pass parameters using POST method?


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Looking at the snippet above you have the syntax incorrect, it should be method="POST" and not POST="METHOD"

I hope this helps


Former Member
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Hi Darrell,

You're right, it's a a mispelling.

Someone has passed parameters using POST?


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In which case then you can simply pass parameters as you would do with any normal HTML form. In the portal component you can access the parameters using the IPortalComponentRequest object and request.getParameter("myparam")

I hope this helps


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If I set method="post" in the iView Configuration, it's a must to set "fetch mode=server" but that makes me an error.

Is that the correct configuration I have to set?
