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Passing a particular range in URL to call sap standard Transactions

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

is there a way to pass a particular range of values in the URL which calls the SAP standard transaction?

Wat i mean is, we can pass a value in the url to call a standard transaction. What if i want to pass two values tats min and max value to the same.

pls help me out in this.



Accepted Solutions (1)

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Sirisha,

Go through these two blogs. Basically you will need to know the screen field names for the low and high value. You can get it from the R/3 system.

1. /people/prakash.singh4/blog/2005/10/07/how-to-launch-sap-transaction-pass-parameters-via-url

2. /people/durairaj.athavanraja/blog/2004/09/23/pass-parameter-to-its-url-upadated-21st-june-2008



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Satyajit,

Yes, fine what you gave is to how to pass a value in the url, But i want to pass the max and min values for the same parameter, How can i do that.

Thanks & Regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Sirisha,

For a range, you will have two textboxes. Get the screen field names for each of them through technical help(F1).

For example, for transaction PC00_M40_BSG, the range for field "Personnel Number", has the following screen field names: RSCSEL-ILOW_I (for low) and RSCSEL-IHIGH_I (for high).

Pass the parameters as follows:


Basically for a range, the low and high values have two different screen field names. So they can be treated as two different parameters.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Yes You r correct,

Thank you, I have one more question , can i pass multiple values for a single field? something like array in the url and which can be captured in sap transaction?

Pls do let me know..



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