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Pass parameter via URL

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I have a short question. Is it possible to pass parameters via URL to a VC iView and them set them as default values in input fields in the model?

Kind regards,


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Former Member
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Yes it is possible.

Former Member
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Hi Marcel,

thanks for your reply... to tell the truth I expected an other answer. So is there a how to guide or something like that about this?

Kind regards,


Former Member
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hi dominik,

I'm sorry that I haven't the time to search the document for you, but you are right, there is a how-to guide or something like that available in the SDN. Have a look for signal in and signal out component, then you have the possibility to communicate between iViews. In your case you can pass parameter via URL.

Best Regards,


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You can pass paramaters into a VC Model through the URL.

As of SPS8, you can use the URL of the iView to call it, then create a model with a start point and your parameters and then:

Singleton start point with the following parameters: {BANK_CTRY, MAX_ROWS}

<The IView URL and other portal parameters>&_paramsXmlStr_=<Params><Row BANK_CTRY="US" MAX_ROW="10"></Params>

Well this is an example, but try it out with

Array start point (Multiple parameters) with the following parameters: {BANK_CTRY, BANK_KEY, BANK_NAME}

<The IView URL and other portal parameters>&_paramsXmlStr_=<Params><Row BANK_CTRY="US" BANK_KEY="0000000001" BANK_NAME="AAA"> </Row>><Row BANK_CTRY="US" BANK_KEY="0000000002" BANK_NAME="BBB"></Row>><Row BANK_CTRY="US" BANK_KEY="0000000003" BANK_NAME="CCC"></Row></Params>

Former Member
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Thank you very much, works quite fine now. Unfortunatelly I have an other problem now, but I will post it as a new question...

kind regards,
