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Parameters for upload_delete event

Former Member


I wonder what the exact parameters for the upload-delete table event are? By accident I coded (generated) an upload-delete event like follows:

    lv_new lfv_del_pos%ROWTYPE; 
    lv_new.avisnr   :={ml r.avisnr};     -- PK
    lv_new.aviscode :={ml r.aviscode};   -- PK
    lv_new.itemnr   :={ml r.itemnr};     -- PK
    lv_new.amount   :={ml r.amount};     -- NOT PK
That runs without any problem (what makes me glad). The column amount isn't part of the primary key of the table neither in the consolidated nor in the remote database. But the documentation seems to say only primary key columns are allowed as parameters for this event: upload_delete table event Of course I don't need the non-pk parameter but I wonder if the doc is wrong or that behaviour may be changed in future releases?

Mayby someone can clarify because that would have impact on the code generation tool.


Chris Werner

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Former Member

The table lists the required parameters (all PK columns) and some of the optional named parameters. Other named parameters, including non-PK columns, can also be used.

FYI, the {ml o.} syntax is only applicable to the upload_update event.

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Blob column values are not uploaded for delete operations, and so should not be used.