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Page breaks in webi

Former Member
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I was wondering if it's possible to use the page break function to generate a new tab (report) every time a break is made. Perhaps there's another function that can be used to accomplish this.



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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Philip,

Its not possible in Webi to create dynamic tabs based on user requirement we need to create and fix the tabs on design time itself to get this done.



Former Member
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Hi Philip,

I´m not sure if this is was you´re expecting but,if you set the break and then go to Manage Break, Page Layout and click on Start on a new page, every break group will appear in a new page.



Former Member
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Hi Rogerio,

Unfortunately it's not what I'm looking for, I need a break of some sort to generate a new report. I push this out as an excel file and need the spreadsheet to consist of multiple tabs.



Active Contributor
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I don't to it is many rows are you expecting in the report.

other option is to use rowindex function and add filter to display records in per first tab 20 then 21 to 40 on the second tab

Former Member
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Okay, the report has about 100 rows. The break is dynamic, meaning the number of rows per break (hierarchy) changes every time I run it weekly so I don't know if the rowindex function will work since it seems like the number of rows is a fixed value?

Active Contributor
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in this case create one tab for one object value?

Former Member
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I could but then I have to manually create about 40 tabs..I was hoping there was a more efficient way of doing it.



Active Contributor
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Then why are you not creating publication?with publication you can spilt the seprate excel for each one value.

Former Member
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I am using publications to distribute the report..Let me give you an example.

So let's say column A contains my hierarchy, in this case "districts".

I need to deliver District A, B, and C to the same user (email). I would like the reports delivered in the same email, broken out into 3 tabs.

I can currently get all the districts in the same report but I don't know how to add the tabs.