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Order Trace

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Dear Expert,

One Sales order is generated Via VA01in my PRD Server last few day back.user is saying that I have not generate that order Number. i.e order Number 33003766 . How I know that when this order is generated and from witch terminal it was generted.

Plz help me.


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check for update errors in SM13. also check SM21 for system log.

Former Member
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Thanks Eric for your repply.In sm13 there is no error But in SM21 one log is there . whats the mean of this log. plz see

Details Page 2 Line 9 System Log: Local Analysis of appkg 1

Time Type Nr Clt TCode Grp N Text

10:16:22 DIA 004 500 VA01 R4 7 Delete session 001 after error 004

Delete session 001 after error 004


Recording at local and central time........................ 10.09.2008 10:16:22

Task...... Process User...... Terminal Session TCode Program Cl Problem cl Package

18894 Dialog work process No. 004 HYUSR_DPT india 1 VA01 SAPLSMTR_NAVIGATION K SAP Web AS Problem STSK

Further details for this message type

Module name Line Error Text Caller Reason/call

thxxmode 1379 001004 ThResFr delete

Documentation for system log message R4 7 :

The user is deleted after an internal error. The specified error

number has the following meaning:

002: Initialization error 003: Receive error

004: Send error 005: Internal error

006: Storage error 007: Rollin error

008: Rollout error 009: Commit error

010: Semaphore error 011: Signal received

012: Error after restart 013: Error during connect to DB

014: Error during roll init. 015: Error during page init.

016: Error in OS-spec.init. 017: Error in SAP init.

018: Error during rollback 019: SAP-DEXT call

020: Deleted by administrator 021: Terminal output overflow

022: APPC output overflow 023: Work process has been restarted

Contact SAP Support.



Former Member
0 Kudos

You are getting error 04 that means an internel error.

Check System dump at that time i thing that will give you more details explanation of the error. Also check work process trace files.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Shivam,

I am using ECC 6.0 . Can you explain how to check back date dump. Witch-2 filed I enter in ST22.

Plz explain

Date 16.09.2008 to

Time 00:00:00 to 00:00:00

Host to

Work Process Index to

User BASIS to

Client to

To be stored to

Runtime Error to

Program Name to

Exception to

Transaction ID to



Former Member
0 Kudos

In ST22 of back date i see . In this messege is comming " None of selected short dump exist"



Former Member
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In ST22 just do date selection.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Via st22 is show different user ABAP dump


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

look in file dev_w4 for more error info.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Through System trace i found

M waiting_for = NO_WAITING

M reqtype = DP_RQ_DIAWP

M act_reqtype = DP_RQ_DIAWP

M rq_info = 0

M tid = 129

M mode = 0

M len = 1545

M rq_id = 19146

M rq_source = FROM_WP_CA

M last_tid = 129

M last_mode = 0

M semaphore = 0

M act_cs_count = 0

M csTrack = 0

M csTrackRwExcl = 0

M csTrackRwShrd = 0

M mode_cleaned_counter = 0

M control_flag = 2

M int_checked_resource(RFC) = 0

M ext_checked_resource(RFC) = 0

M int_checked_resource(HTTP) = 0

M ext_checked_resource(HTTP) = 0

M report = > <

M action = 0

M tab_name = > <

M attachedVm = no VM


M Modeinfo for User T129/M0


M tm state = 4

M uid = 11209

M term type = 0x4

M display = 0x8

M cpic_no = 0

M cpic_idx = -1

M usr = >HYUSR_DPT <

M terminal = >india <

M client = >500<

M conversation_ID = > <

M appc_tm_conv_idx = -1

M its_plugin = NO

M allowCreateMode = YES

M blockSoftCanel = NO

M session_id = >48C6CA0D53FD1C4AE1000000C0A80B19<

M ext_session_id = >48C6CA0D53FD1C4AE1000000C0A80B19<

M imode = 1

M mode state = 0x1a

M mode clean_state = 1

M task_type = ZTTADIA


M lastAction = TH_IACT_NO_ACTION

M th_errno = 4

M rollout_reason = 1

M last_rollout_level = 7

M async_receives = 0

M cpic_receive = 0

M em handle = 78

M roll state = 4

M abap state = 4

M em state = 3

M eg state = 1

M spa state = 3

M enq state = 0

M softcancel = 0

M cancelInitiator = ?


M next hook = T-1/U-1/M255

M master hook = T-1/U-1/M255

M slave hook = T-1/U-1/M255

M debug_tid = 255

M debug_mode = 0

M mode type = 0x1

M debug = 0

M msg_count = 5

M tcode = >VA01 <

M last_wp = 4

M client conversation_ID = > <

M server conversation_ID = > <

M lock = 0

M max enq infos = 9

M act enq infos = 1

M em_hyper_hdl = 0xc000000116ec7a70

M plugin_info = NULL

M act_plugin_hdl = -1

M act_plugin_no = 0

M max_plugin_no = 0


M Adresse Offset Data from input buffer


M 0xc00000001f0466b0 000000 00000000 00000000 10061100 20ff7ffa ....... ..... ...

M 0xc00000001f0466c0 000016 0d78b737 de76186e 9325b715 93eb73ee .x.7.v.n.%....s.

M 0xc00000001f0466d0 000032 eb5b0000 00000000 00000000 00100623 .[.............#

M 0xc00000001f0466e0 000048 00100000 100e0134 31313000 7574662d .......4110.utf-

M 0xc00000001f0466f0 000064 38001006 24000534 31303200 10062100 8...$..4102...!.

M 0xc00000001f046700 000080 20343843 36434130 44353346 44314334 48C6CA0D53FD1C4

M 0xc00000001f046710 000096 41453130 30303030 30433041 38304231 AE1000000C0A80B1

M 0xc00000001f046720 000112 39100602 00035052 44100603 00056170 9.....PRD.....ap


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

is that all that you have found in dev_w4 ? have you restarted your SAP system since the error occured