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One Business System Per Client

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Going in, I figured I could have multiple business systems tied to a single technical system. For example, if I have a techical system (SAP R/3) of RD0 110, and I want to have one business system for a vendor price check, another for sending ship notice idocs to a 3rd party server, etc.

When I go to add a second Business System to RD0 110 in SLD, I get an error that "The selected client already has a business system. Select a different client or system.".

Where am I going wrong?

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Active Contributor
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Hi Keith,

you can have only one Business System per R/3 client.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Sorry. I was out of the office two days.

So, do you have something like: Technical System RD0-120 and then Business System RD0-120, and then have to have unique namespaces for every scenario you run out of that client?

When looking at examples like the PLANT_MAINTANANCE tutorial, I was under the impression that every application would get its own Business System.

Former Member
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Hi Keith,

the problem you are running in is that the SLD checks your business system entries against used client and logical system from tech.system. If one is already used in a link to a bus.system SLD does not allow to link the same tech. system to another bus.system.

But you don´t have unique namespaces for each scenario.

You will import the SWCV from SLD into Int.Rep..

Then you can define a range of namespaces in the SWCV object.

In each namespace you can implement a scenario.

The SWCV is connected to a bus. system, that s right.

But the scenario will not only work with one bus.system.

Usually you will use the SWCV to build up a scenario in Int.Rep. for the sender system providing the scenario with data.

The bus. systems defined in the SLD are more relevant in the Int.Directory, when implementing the comm.channels and building up the interface-/sender-/receiver-determinations per scenario.

If you could connect a tech. system to several business systems what could be the advantage? The tech.system is basis for connecting to SWCVs.

We had the same question here in the beginning of our project but our result was that the multi bus.system connect to a tech. system would only produce more need of organizing the structure in the SLD.

We put the focus on naming conventions in the namespaces to separate the different scenarios for the same bus.system as data provider (=sender).

If more than one system is sending the same date in a business scenario you need to establish that in having a well defined definition (agreements) in the Int. Repository!

Hope this can help!

Best regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks Dirk. Can we use examples to better explain your recommendation?

I am starting with concern for a single R/3 system (RD0-120) and multiple XI processes I want to run out of it. One process is an asynchronous RFC that goes out to standalone unix system (R/3 -> XI -> Unix File). Let's call it A. The other process is synchronous RFC->XI->HTTP; call it B.

I have a technical system of "RD0 on host". It is version 46C. I am hearing that I should have a single business system of say, RD0_120.

Should I have a Software Component for both endpoints of process A (sender and receiver) and for both endpoints of process B? Without them, I cannot bring them up in the Integration Repository, right?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Keith,

in this example I would implement ONE SWCV for the scenario in the SLD (don´t forget to add necessary software dependencies (SAP BASIS release related to the R/3 system)to import RFCs in Int.Rep.) and as tech/bus. systems the R/3 system as a WebAS ABAP System and connect it to the new SWCV.

The other two systems (Unix and HTTP-system) will be implemented as third party systems. Add them to the SWCV too (tech.system).

You will import the SWCV into the Int.Rep. and create in the imported object you scenarios (mapping) (import RFCs!).

If both communication processes belong to the same bus.process I would build them up both in the same SWCV.

You can split them by creating two namespaces in the Int.rep object to avoid loosing overview about developed mapping and data/message types.

Our intention here is to use SWCV to sort scenarios by business background.

So here one SWCV is ok, with one namespace per RFC scenario.

And you will only have one bus.system for your R/3, if the system has only one client! Background is that the bus.system needs to be well defined for the XI.



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