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object-oriented connection with php

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I have several systems using php with my sybase sqlanywere DB, but I allways use the old connection string/method. 
Ex. $con = sasql_connect( "UID=DBA;PWD=xxx;Host=BDserver;ServerName=DB");
I am trying to migrate all my systems to Object Oriented, and cound not find information about how to connect to my sybase DB with OO aproach. 
Like ($conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password);)

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Answers (3)

I haven't tried it myself, but a similar question was answered here.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

I am fairly certain that the object-oriented methods are not supported by the SQL Anywhere driver.

Former Member
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the opensource FreeTDS driver module comes with support object orient using php odbc, the sybase are stalled in MS IIS focused