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NW Sap Setup Failing

0 Kudos

Hi i have recently upgraded the product on our SAP Gui Installation server from GUI 720 to 750 patch 2. I am now having issues when running the NWSAPSetup.exe the below box will open for about a second then close.

i have looked at the sap setup logs and recieve the below output

******************************************************************************** Logfile:C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SapSetup\LOGs\NwSapSetup.log Started logging:Thu Oct 05 08:02:02 2017 (GMT Summer Time) Operating system:Windows 10 Professional (Build 14393) Executing user:RAdams (Administrator) Workstation name:3259RADAMS Windows directory:C:\WINDOWS Temp directory:C:\Users\RAdams\AppData\Local\Temp Working directory:\\sap03\SAP_GUI\Setup Commandline:'"\\sap03\SAP_GUI\Setup\NwSapSetup.exe" ' Executable:'\\sap03\SAP_GUI\Setup\NwSapSetup.exe' Version: ProcessId:2492 ThreadId:6884 Physical memory:12550 MB of 16287 MB free System Uptime:0 days, 18:30:54 hours System libraries information ---------------------------- atl.dll: 3.5.2284.0 comctl32.dll: 5.82.14393.447 vbscript.dll: 5.812.10240.16384 msvcrt.dll: 7.0.14393.0 oleaut32.dll: 10.0.14393.1378 shell32.dll: 10.0.14393.1715 shlwapi.dll: 10.0.14393.0 msi.dll: 5.0.14393.1198 SAPSetup libraries information ------------------------------- NwSapSetupEngine.dll: NwSapSetupATLCommon.dll: NwSapSetupUi.dll: N/A NwSapFeiUt.dll: NwSapFeiLg.dll: ******************************************************************************** 08:02:02.461 NwSapFeiUt 1 Not running on a terminal server host. 08:02:02.477 NwSapSetup 1 Running as administrator, not doing LSH 08:02:02.499 NwSapsAtlC 1 SapSetup ATL Common Library Loaded 08:02:02.536 NwSapSetUI 1 SapSetup UI Library Loaded 08:02:02.536 NwSapsAtlC 1 Successfully constructed UI factory from NwSapSetupUi.dll:createUIInterfaceFactory 08:02:02.568 NwSapsAtlC 1 08:02:02.568 NwSapsAtlC 1 UI: Show Splash Screen 08:02:02.583 NwSapFeiUt 1 Process SapSmartDel.exe is not running. 08:02:02.599 NwSapsEngn 1 SapSetup Workstation Engine Library Loaded 08:02:02.599 NwSapsAtlC 1 Constructing a new UI Manager Object 08:02:02.599 NwSapsEngn 1 Initializing the Installation Engine 08:02:02.615 NwSapsAtlC 1 Going to wait for access to XML files at \\sap03\SAP_GUI\Setup 08:02:02.615 NwSapsAtlC 1 Access to XML files granted to \\sap03\SAP_GUI\Setup 08:02:02.615 NwSapFeiUt 1E Failed to load "msxml3.dll". Error message: The parameter is incorrect. Error code 0x00000057 (87). 08:02:02.615 NwSapsEngn 1E Engine Initialize std exception: Loading library msxml3.dll failed Error message: The parameter is incorrect. Error code 0x00000057 (87). 08:02:02.615 NwSapsEngn 1 Engine: LoadDocuments 08:02:02.615 NwSapsEngn 1 Workstation Databases to be loaded: 0 08:02:02.615 NwSapsEngn 1 Server Databases to be loaded: 0 08:02:02.615 NwSapsAtlC 1 Going to wait for access to XML files at C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAPsetup\Setup 08:02:02.615 NwSapsAtlC 1 Access to XML files granted to C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAPsetup\Setup 08:02:02.615 NwSapsEngn 1 Not running in maintenance mode. 08:02:02.615 NwSapsAtlC 1E No XML document available on server and client. 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1W NwSapSetup workstation component not found in product tree! 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1 Analyzing loaded documents took 0.15 seconds 08:02:02.630 NwSapSetup 1 Log Variables Collection 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 The installer has indexed the following 47 variables: 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 ALLUSERSPROFILE = C:\ProgramData 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 APPDATA = C:\Users\RAdams\AppData\Roaming 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 COMMONPROGRAMFILES = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 COMMONPROGRAMFILES(X86) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 COMMONPROGRAMFILES32 = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 COMMONPROGRAMFILES64 = C:\Program Files\Common Files 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 COMMONPROGRAMW6432 = C:\Program Files\Common Files 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 COMPUTERNAME = 3259RADAMS 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 CRTDEBUGPOSTFIX = 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 CRTDEBUGPREFIX = 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 EXEDIR = \\sap03\SAP_GUI\Setup 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 HOMEDRIVE = U: 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 LOCALAPPDATA = C:\Users\RAdams\AppData\Local 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 LOGDIR = C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SapSetup\LOGs 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 MAKETYPE = OptU 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS = 8 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 OS = Windows_NT 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 PARAM_DEBUGLOG = FALSE 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 PARAM_NODLG = FALSE 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 PARAM_REPAIR = FALSE 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 PARAM_SILENT = FALSE 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE = x86 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 PROGRAMFILES = C:\Program Files (x86) 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 PROGRAMFILES(X86) = C:\Program Files (x86) 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 PROGRAMFILES32 = C:\Program Files (x86) 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 PROGRAMFILES64 = C:\Program Files 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 PROGRAMW6432 = C:\Program Files 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 PUBLIC = C:\Users\Public 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 SAPSETUPVERSION = 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 SAPSRCDIR = \\sap03\SAP_GUI 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 SAPWKSTADIR = C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAPsetup 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 SYSTEMDRIVE = C: 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 SYSTEMROOT = C:\WINDOWS 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 TEMP = C:\Users\RAdams\AppData\Local\Temp 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 TMP = C:\Users\RAdams\AppData\Local\Temp 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 USER_UI_LANGID = en 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 USERDOMAIN = NT_HLD_ADMIN 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 USERNAME = RAdams 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 USERPROFILE = C:\Users\RAdams 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 WINDIR = C:\WINDOWS 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 WINFAMILY = Professional 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 WINSP = Build 14393 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 WINSYSDIR = C:\WINDOWS\system32 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 WINSYSDIR32 = C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 WINSYSDIR64 = C:\WINDOWS\Sysnative 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 WINTYPE = Windows 10 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 WOW64MODE = true 08:02:02.630 NwSapSetup 1 No additional script to parse. 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1 No additional script to parse. 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1 Engine: Beginning execution 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1 The product tree to be processed for formulating actions is: 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1 Complete Component Collection: 0 Components 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 Components freshly selected: 0 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 Components freshly deselected: 0 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 Components to be updated: 0 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1 Components to be Installed: 0 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1 Components to be Un-Installed: 0 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1 Components in Unknown State: 0 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1W Engine: Inserting empty collection of actions... Nothing to do! 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1 Formulating 0 actions took 0.0 seconds 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1W No actions created, nothing to do! 08:02:02.630 NwSapSetup 1 No additional script to parse. 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1 Engine: Shutting Down Installer 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1 Engine: flushing memory 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 UI-Manager: Flushing memory and resources 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1 Engine: flushing memory 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1 This Engine Instance lasted 0.31 seconds 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 UI Manager deleted 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1 DM Deleted 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 DE Deleted 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 StringTable released 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1 Engine Deleted 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1 EngineContext released 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 StringTable released 08:02:02.630 NwSapsEngn 1 SapSetup Workstation Engine Library Unloaded 08:02:02.630 NwSapSetup 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ 08:02:02.630 NwSapSetup 1 Return-Code: 0 08:02:02.630 NwSapSetup 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ 08:02:02.630 NwSapSetUI 1 SapSetup UI Library Unloaded 08:02:02.630 NwSapsAtlC 1 SapSetup ATL Common Library Unloaded

Can someone please help ?

Best Regards

Rob Adams

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Answers (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Are you trying to install GUI through GUI distribution server? If YES can you make sure package exist!

Let me know if this is not the case.
