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Not able to make the New column to show in front screen of a app based on Analytical Query CDS view

0 Kudos

Hi all,

I got a requirement to add a new column in the existing fiori report.  This report is published as ODATA service using a CDS view in backend . This CDS view is Analytical query CDS view. 


But new column "Open Amount" what i added is not showing in front of the report, i need to select this from settings and make it available in the report. I want this to show by default in the report. I have even tried @ui.lineitem.position annotation as well, also priority as #HIGH that didnt work. 




Also i want to add one more selection field in this app, for that i dont see any selection field annotation used in the CDS view but still i am able to see there are some input fields in this app. Not sure how to it is added. I thought since it is a analytical query it must have created using "Custom Analytical Queries" app but i could'nt find this query view ( Z_JOURNAL_Q010) there neither.


I also checked if there is any metadata extension view created for this but there nothing found in where used list of this analytical query. Only change it accepts is to add a new field but none of the annotations to position this or selection field works for this . 


Please let me know how to position the new column by default without selecting it from settings and also add a selection field for this report. 


Thanks in advance!!






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Active Contributor
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check the UI project, the annotation may be maintained there.

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Hi , Thanks for the reply, Please let me know where to check that ? Do you mean metadata cds view ?
Active Contributor
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no, do you know how the front end /ui is built for that app?
0 Kudos
This app is built using CDS view and annotations. But the issue here is even if i use position annotation it is changing the position of the column
Active Contributor
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seems you have no idea what I am asking. do you know a fiori project has frontend part and backend part?
0 Kudos
Yes i very well know what you are asking. Thats what answered this fiori app is backend is CDS view , all the designing is done using CDS annotations. There is no UI5 code involed in this for designing the app. My doubt was it would be been created using "Custom analytical queries" but its not the case i am not able to find that view "Z_JOURNAL_Q010" in the "Custom Analytical Queries" app. So i am not sure what is the issue why we are not able to realign the columns when using the position annotation in CDS view.
Active Contributor
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are you sure? how you run the app?
0 Kudos
I am running the ( Fiori launch pad ). Is there anyway i can how they designed this app. If you see my screenshot you will know that it is "Analytica Query" CDS and they used some annotations as well, so my understanding is everything is designed from CDS view.
Active Contributor
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you have no idea how it works(both frontend and backend). check the tile to see what app is behind it.
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Hi, I dont know how to explain you more clearly than this. This is the tile in the fiori launch pad. Below is the Tile




Below is the report front screen.




And i have already shared the screenshot of CDS view behind that app. It is published as ODATA service. 



Active Contributor
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yes, check that tile to see if there is an custom app behind it. if you don't know how to check, ask a fiori guy to do it
0 Kudos

Hi, There is no separate fiori person on our team, our system is S/4 HANA system . When I checked BSP Applications in SE80 I could'nt find anything related to the app . Infact I tried “*” in search there is only one app which is not related to this app. Is there any other checks that I need to do ?