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No LDAP connection - Main thread ends due to RFC return code 6

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I am assigned to do the LDAP connection as part of enhancement of synchronizing all SAP user's data from SAP_HR to Active directory. I have followed the instruction to this link: Configuring the LDAP Connector (

However, upon checking to the dev_LDAP_RFC.trc to check the activation of the connector, I am getting this error log.

[Thu Sep 19 09:44:36 2024] (mainU, 5096)
*** ERROR ***
Main thread ends due to RFC return code 6
[Thu Sep 19 09:44:38 2024]
SAP LDAP Connector, (c) 1999-2024 SAP AG, Walldorf, Germany
Build (date) : 753 (May 5 2023)
Patch Number : 1200
Executable type : Optimized / Multi-Threaded
OS (platform) : NT (NTAMD64)
Startup time : Thu Sep 19 09:44:38 2024
Command line : G:\usr\sap\<SID>\DVEBMGS00\exe\ldap_rfc "-a" "ldap_rfc" "-x" "sapgw00" "-g" "" "-l" "0" "-f" "G:\usr\sap\<SID>\DVEBMGS00\work\dev_LDAP_RFC.trc"
LDAP Connector Options

Trace Level : 0 (command line)
Logfile : G:\usr\sap\<SID>\DVEBMGS00\work\dev_LDAP_RFC.trc (command line)
Connection outdate (min) : 60 (default)
Max. number of connections : 32 (default)
Page size (0 = no paging) : 0 (default)
Configuration file : ldap_rfc.cfg (default)
Connection Parameters passed to the SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK

GWSERV : sapgw00
PROGRAM_ID : ldap_rfc

LDAP_RFC connection test is successful and able to start the connector.




Can you please check the logs and provide more details about "Main thread ends due to RFC return code 6"?


0 Kudos
Just to add, functional team tried to test on their end and file generated contains "No LDAP connection".

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