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No data is uploded

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One of my ODS is getting uploaded from 2 infosurce.

But i see that ODS is getting uploaded from 1 infosource successfully but there is no data pulled from other infosource. upload finishes successfully with out giving any error mesg, but still it doesnt pull any data. No data is pulled to PSA also.

So how can i check why is it not pulling up the data.



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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Hi Rohini,

Seems strange. Perhaps you can retry the load for the line item and see what happens.

<i>i wanted to know how does data mingled in the data target in the ODS when loaded from 2 infopackage?</i>

If the update rules is set to overwrite(default) then for the same set of key fields the second infopackage data will overwrite the key figures already existing in the ODS. If some of the key figures were not loaded by the header data then the line item data would be filled for that.

One suggestion - In normal BW systems you would find 2 ODS in a case similar to yours - One for header data and one for line item. But thats the not case of the problem for data not being uploaded.



Former Member
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Yes it is strange to me also.

I tried to load only line item only. Still no data is pulled.

And thanks for answering my quesdtion.



Answers (7)

Answers (7)

Former Member
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Hi rohini,

If you have already checked the data in RSA3 and the data is there i suggest you to check one thing.Use LBWQ transaction and in the screen that opens please check for the status.If the status is "nosend" then from the menu select the option "Reset Status".


Former Member
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So, do you use a generic DS? Did you create a generic delta?

Have you ever load delta through this DS?

Best regards,


Former Member
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Hi Eugene,

I have the same scenario in COPA and using generic datasource with timestamp.I have created records in R3 and trying to test my delta. But it is giving me the following in status tab "Info IDoc received with status 8". The processing is red and it does not drop down. This is bit urgent so your help is greatly appreciated.



Former Member
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Hi Kal,

Could you please post your question as a new thread. This one is very old and a few people will look at it. But at the new one will.

Best regards,


Former Member
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Hi Rohini,

Just check if any of the previous loads ended in errors and hence the system is not picking the deltas.



Former Member
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Hi Dinesh

The details i posted in last reply was from the oldest request. And after that request there was no new data uploaded. Where as every day there should some data to be uploaded



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What the datasources, infosources, ODSs do you use?

Best regards,


Former Member
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Hi Eugene

Datasource, infosource and ODS are customized one.

But i can say that its realted to work flow in srm.



Former Member
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Hi Rohini,

It seems like there is no changed records in the source system hence no data was updated. Did you do a RSA3 check for the delta load.



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Hi Eugene, Dinesh

yes i have checked there are lots of changed data in the source table.



Former Member
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Hi Rohini,

There are few things to be checked:

1. Check the RFC connection for the source system in sm59.

2. Go to RSA1 -> source system -> Check.

3. Check whether you have authorization to pull the data.

4. Check for any short dumps on the source system.



Former Member
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Siggi - I can see data in rsa3.

Dinesh -

1. SM59 connection if fine. Because all other load is runing perfectly fine.

2. No porlbme with auhtorization.

3. No short dumps.

Let me put my question in the post.

I got 1 ODS which gets loaded from 2 infopackage. 1 package loads header level data and other loads line item data. So here data is geting uploaded for header details, but i dont see any data for line item level. And i see green light for the line item load. That means no error mesg, no dumps.

I hope iam clear with my question.

Any idea on this?



And one more thing i wanted to know how does data mingled in the data target in the ODS when loaded from 2 infopackage?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Rohini,

It's not a fact that if in managing ODS screen you have green light for a load request you have no messages or errors in monitor.

Look at the detailed tab of the monitor. At least make sure that all processes are finished successfully.

But I'm almost sure that you'll find there some messages which will help us to understand where the problem resides.

Best regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Eugene

In detail tab i see red light at "processing" and rest all green light.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Rohini,

Now completely expand the nodes with red lights until the bottom leafs and tell us what are the messages.

Best regards,


Former Member
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Hi Eugene

I dont any details under that.

This is the detail i can see in status tab in monitor.

<i>No new data since the last delta update


The data request was a delta update, meaning, the data basis in the

source system has not changed since the last update.

System response

Info IDoc received with status 8.


Check the data basis in the source system.</i>



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Are you sure that you have new/changed records in the source system after the last delta update?

Best regards,


Former Member
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Can you check the IODoc status in the source system and confirm.

Former Member
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Hi Rohini,

Your initial question has been answered by many of them.I do have the same thing to say,but for the last question of how data is stored when you mingle it from two infosurces is ,the records are appended if the selection keys or primary keys are different, but if the primary keys are the same then it overwrites.

There isnt much problem here when you upload from two different infosources.The data integrity is maintained based on the design.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Rohini,

I think you need to check your source system for the second datasource. Are there relevant data to extract? Are there any errors documented in the syslog or the joblog? Do you have a wrong selection in your infopackage?



PS: what are the ds you are working with?

Former Member
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Eugene as i said my load with green light. my update rule is active.

Siggi - Source system has data. There is no error is logged at all. Iam nt giving any selection. And it is customized ds. I can say is data is SRM data.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Rohini,

where are you checked if in your source system there is data ? RSA3? RSA7? Are you working with a delta load ?

Since you have to look at BW-related objects and tool and not only to the application tables...

Let us know!



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Roberto,

I checked for the data in tables in srm. Its delta upload.

<i>Since you have to look at BW-related objects and tool and not only to the application tables...</i>

Can you explain this little more



Message was edited by: Rohini Garg

Former Member
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Any other inputs which you all can put on this..


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi rohini!

have you checked your datasource connected to your infosource in RSA3 with delta. are you getting any data there?

with regards


Former Member
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Hey Ashwin,

Its able to upload the data.



Active Contributor
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do you mean you your problem is solved or...

with regards


Former Member
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No Ashwin

Problem not yet solved.

No data is getting uploaded to PSA also. And surprising thing is upload is not giving any error log or system log.



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What are the messages in the detailed tab of monitor?

Best regards,


Former Member
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what about rsa3? Did you run the upload in rsa3 as a delta? What happens there?



Former Member
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Hi Rohini,

Do you have active update rules for the second infosource?

Best regards,
