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No Data from SAP R/3 to SAP BW

Former Member
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Hi there,

I am attempting to activate the standard BW Business Content for <b>HR | Personnel Administration</b>

I have activated <b>InfoSource | Personnel Adminstration(PA-PA)</b> as well as <b>InfoArea | Personnel Adminstration(0PAPA)</b>

Hence, managed to map :-

InfoSource <b>EMPLOYEE | 0HR_PA_0</b> to DataSource <b>0HR_PA_0-Employee</b>

InfoSource <b>PERSONNEL ACTIONS | 0HR_PA_1</b> to DataSource <b>0HR_PA_1-Personnel Actions</b>

InfoSource <b>'Headcount' | (0HR_PA_PA_1)</b> has NOT been assigned to any data source

Hence, when I preview my InfoCube <b>Headcount and Personnel Actions | (0PA_C01)</b> I can see only the values for <b>0EMPLOYEE</b> . I <b><u>cannot</u></b> <b>see</b> the other values such as 0PERSON, 0ACTIONAREA, 0ORGUNIT, 0PERS_AREA, 0AGE, 0COMP_CODE or the other standard fields

I have checked the InfoType's in SAP R/3 and there are values in the respective tables.

Please advice on this ! Appreciate a quick responce

P/S: We're on BW 3.5

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0HR_PA_PA_1 is a datasource in BW system itself that pulls the data from teh master data objects 0EMPloyee etc.

That's why you don't find it in R/3. There are some other posts and OSS notes on using this datasource.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi guys,

Made reference to SAP Note 336229.

Maintained my Transfer Rules of <b>Data Source 0HR_PA_PA_1</b> to <b>Info Source 0HR_PA_PA_1</b> and all is green! Unfortunately, still <b>NO</b> data and error IDOC message is " <i>The data request was a full update. In this case, the corresponding table in the source system does not contain any data." </i>

<i>The extractor of the DataSource reads the master data tables of the Employee (0EMPLOYEE) and person (0PERSON) InfoObjects and makes changes to these time-dependent attributes available as headcount changes</i>...<b>says SAP</b>

Info Object <b>person (0PERSON)</b> works!!!, however Info Object(0EMPLOYEE) is giving me problem whereby in SAP R/3 <b>Data Source (Employee - Education and Training) 0EMPLOYEE_0022_ATTR</b> <u>allows</u> time overlapping of records, BUT BW generates an <u>error</u> " <i>The time interval ['99991231'/'19930104'] & (from/to) for the data records 46 and 47 overlaps in characteristic 0EMPLOYEE</i> "

For example, lets assume there is Employee X with the following entry in SAP R/3.

Begin Date End Date SubType

01.09.2003 01.09.2004 Professional Cert.

01.09.2003 01.09.2006 Degree

SAP R/3 allows this overlapping of time records however, BW does NOT. How can I tackle this overlapping issue in SAP BW?

With much appreciate,

-<b>John Mcluskey</b>-

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi John,

Go to RSA3 in R/3 and check whether you have any data for the source system for 0PA_C01.

Also in your transfer rules on BW have you mapped all the fields that you need.

