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New Datasphere Hierarchy with Directory - Order of the nodes being displayed.

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Using the new Hierarchy with Directory functionality I have been able to load multiple hierarchies for different node types to display, however the order of the nodes appears to be tied to the NODEID instead of using the ChildID/NextID fields that are present in many other SAP hierarchies. Can anyone confirm if this is true?

The help document (Creating a Hierarchy with Directory | SAP Help Portal) shows an example of a heirarchy being pulled from S/4 that includes the ChildID/NextID fields. I have included them in my tests but they do not seem to have an impact on the final display of the hierarchy.

I will admit it took me a bit to get all the steps from the help working so it is possible I missed something that is preventing the display from using those fields so I thought I would ask what others are experiencing.



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I think you have made this far. It is amazing. We are still struggling to even get it to work. We are stuck at the association problem. How do you associate a Leaf node dimension with the Hierarchy? The Hierarchy keys are Node ID and Hierarchy ID which are not present on the Leaf Node Dimension entity.. We have a support message open with SAP with no helpful response yet.

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I'm not associating the keys from the leaf node dimension to the keys of the hierarchy. My association from the leaf node dimension is a Hierarchy with Directory Association. I'm mapping the key fields from the leaf node dimension to the corresponding fields of the hierarchy. So in the example from the help link in my original post...the keys from I_GLAccountInChartOfAccounts (leaf node dimension) are ChartofAccounts and GLAccount. Create a Hierarchy with Directory Association with I_GLAccountHierarchyNode (hierarchy with directory object) and map ChartofAccounts to ChartofAccounts and GLAccount to GLAccount.

Hope that makes sense.

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Hi Kevin.

I'm also trying to leverage the hierarchy directory capability but in the step of prepare the hierarchy entity, when I associate the hierarchy directory to hierarchy entity the association is not appearing in the settings:

Have you faced this issue?


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This is a very poorly documented functionality. We have been trying to get it to work since its release. We have a support mesasge open as well. I saw this error and I have solved this error in the comment (not the error on the original post) by adding and association to the Hierarchy Dimension. .

Define the association like below from GL Hierarchy Node to G/L Account Hierarchy Directory.

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I agree with Abhijit and I think you need to add an association to the directory object. This is step 3 of Prepare the Hierarchy Entity section.

Hope that helps.