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Need Some help ,Not able to pass users as agents.

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I am using the block step type For completing my task, Two agents are there ,So, each agent has approve the User decision only once.

Please have a look on below attached images.In this i took one container field as Multiple line , then i am passing the no of agents before executing the workflow.

Then under block i was assigned the agents table, then binding was came automatically.

Then under the block immediately i put one user decision.Then i was assign the Agents,

You Can have a look on below attached image How i was assign the Agents. Then i am executing the Workflow. Before executing i am assign the Two users.These two users are  not passing as Agents in the Workflow.

You can able to see the log details below attached image, it is saying that No possible agents,  What is the mistake i did it.

->Work flow is under No General Task.

->In log files No of Users are Under container i am able to see the no of users, What i passed at the initial Stage.

  How could i pass agents.

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"You can able to see the log details below attached image, it is saying that No possible agents"

Where does it say that? The "No agents" in W3 just means nobody has executed it yet.

Look in the log (SWI1) or SWI5 to see who has it in their inbox.

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Yes, There is No Agent, But Where is the problem, How could i check it.

I checked in Swi1 and Swi5.

AT Swi1 Saying that No Current Processor in Agent Column .

AT Swi5 Saying that Not Reserved By An Agent.

But i am passing Agents As input.

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Can you show the agents passed to the container..?

Have you prefix with 'US'..?

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HI, Thanks for your reply.

1)I Create a multi line  Variable.

2)Under the block i was assigned the user table


3) Under the block binding the users.

4) After block Starts then user decision i was put.

Actual workflow

I hope this is enough, there is no conditions like loop counter some other

Need your valuable suggestions.

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Once if you have provided the Workflow container element under Dynamic Processing, binding will be done automatically. In your case, binding seems not Okay. Please refer the below screen snap for your quick reference.

I have tested with the above approach. it is passing the users to the block. Let me know if any issues.

Thanks & Best Regards


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  Share Technical log screenshot. Do your userlist have users with prefix US.

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  Hi, Thanks for your reply.

  I Changed the Data binding As you shown.

  But while executing the workflow it is not started first showing Error.

  Technical details log fields also i was mentioned.

  Under the User Decision i was not changed any thing. it is like  Hope you understood.


    Expression : &UsList[_UsList_line]&




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Hi,Thanks for your reply.

Please have a look on below attached images.

If i press the Agents button it is saying no agents were defined.




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the problem is you use syst-tname as user list.

You have to use WFSYST-AGENT. you also need to prefix every user-id with US, then and only then will it work if you use a line in the expression box for agent assignment.

Kind regards, Rob Dielemans

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Need Small information.

I will change the reference syst-tname to WFSYST-AGENT.

you also need to prefix every user-id with US

What is the meaning of above one. Can i create the user with Us

Suppose my user id is  MNMG-MM01 , Can i create one more user as USMNMG-MM01.

I hope prefix means like USMNMG-MM01..

Please have a look on below attached image.

My user is is PMG-SRINI BUT it is showing as USPMG-SRINI.

IS IT converting automatically.

need valuable suggestions.

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Some thing is stopping and happening but i did not understood

Simple workflow i was created Step type is user decision agent is  Workflow initiator

Means me only, i was executed the workflow then i checked the Workflow log.
I checked the Agent it was Shown like below. Automatically add the prefix.

But in above scenario if i check agents there is no agents .

Some body need to explain.

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Thanks for your reply.Hope you are correct.

I have Some users in Su01

In workflow i given the user list as like



Workflow was started but there is no agents in workflow log.

Now i created one more user as USPMG-USER01.

Now input at



Agents are US PMG-ABAP01

1)Why user decision is going to PMG-ABAP01 not USPMG-ABAP01

2)What is the use of US

3)I have 50 users ,Shall i create again 50USERS WITH US.

Can any body explain.

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Don't create users with US.

Understand HR organizational management and agent assignment when using expressions.

Technically Agent assignment in expressions, the first 2 characters ar Object type as defined in cusotmizing table T7780 and the other characters is the Object ID or ActorID , examples


P   Position

AG Role

etc. etc.

when you use expressions workflow must first know okay what kind of object type? Is it user, or organizational unit, or something else.

Do you now understand?

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Understood. What should i do, My organization is does not have user list with Us.

And i need to use Expression.

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Then build it, create a new method.

But.. if you are 100% sure that the list will contain only users then why did you choose for expression in the first place? You can choose any of the following as defined in domain SWD_AGTTYP -WF: Agent type

OOrganizational Unit
AWork center
%IWorkflow initiator (expression)
%VSuperior of workflow initiator (rule)
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If i choose User decision with Rule or Role, then

Imagine two users are there So, if the two users are approve then Workflow, then it  will be completed,

User1 will give the two times Decision so, Workflow is completed,

I checked it , my requirement is onc user has to approve only one time.

because of that reason i used blocks then i faced this type of problem.

Correct me anything is wrong.

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Do you  Stéphane Bailleul  have any suggestions From your side, Reading this post.

Problem:In Workflow container(Multi line)  I am passing two users. Like



user decision is not going, After the searching i was observed that, If i create one more user as

uspmg-gem01 then


User decision is going to pmg-gem01 not uspmg-gem01

We have 53  users, but all are not Started with us. I was used block step type.

1)Why user decision is going to pmg-gem01 if i assign the user uspmg-gem01

2)i don't have users list starts with Us  now what should i do.

Hope you understood my problem . Expecting valuable suggestions.

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Can you provide me a link to this post ? (simply the URL) so that I can get the full picture ?

If it is your I will reply there



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The below is my post.