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MySQL proxying ...


Hi, How can I define a MySql "Remote Server" on Linux ? Can I define some proxy table to INSERT data on MySql server ? Thanks.

0 Kudos

Welcome NCister, by the way:) - I just retagged the question as "proxy tables" seems to be the more common term:)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)


Just as a quick start (I don't use MySQL, so I can't give an example):

What SA version are you using?

Starting with SA 11.0.0, MySQL is supported as a remote server (class "mysqlodbc"), so that should work. In older SA versions, you could use the generic remote server class "odbc".

You might have a look at the online docs. I don't know if there are particular Linux issues here (you might need to define an ODBC data source), but otherwise, proxy tables are quite easy to use.

Basically you have to do three steps:

  1. Define a remote server in SA (say, "SRV_MySql")
  2. Define an externlogin for that remote server (supplying the MySQL login credentials)
  3. Create proxy tables for the tables/views you are wanting to access through SA

Insert/update/delete through SA should be possible as long as you do not define the remote server as readonly and as the connected user has according table permissions.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

0 Kudos

Hi Volker and thank You for replay ... My main problem is the Remote Server definition (I've already used proxy tables with ASA remote server...). I've tried with SA11 using Sybase Central wizard and the question is: What's the right (DSN less !) "connection information" for a standard MySql connection (on Linux, of course...) ? Consider that an example of my ASA Remote Server definition is:

Driver=/opt/sqlanywhere11/lib64/; eng=xxxx; dbn=xxxx; uid=xxxxn; pwd=xxxx;


0 Kudos

I think this is primarily a MySQL question. I would ask (or search) on a MySQL forum or StackOverflow. (But as stated, I'm no MySQL user, so it's just a guess.)