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My app can not export PDF anymore after Windows 11 update (24H2 - 26.100.3037)

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It is a old VB6 app, but have been running for years (from 2003)  and the customer loves it. It even run perfect until a few days ago, when there was Windows 11 update.

It is confermed by the user that 23H2 - No problem. 24H2 - can not export.

It is possible to see the report, but it is not possible to export to PDF.

I get a dialog box withe heading: "Crystal REpoer Viewer", The message is: "Failed to export the report"

My CRViewer.dll has version

I someone else experience this problem?
What can I do to fix it (other than rollback the windows update)?

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Unfortunately CR 11 is VERY old and you should have updated to CR 11.5, but it too is no longer available.

Of course none of what you are using is supported by Windows either.

All I can suggest is upgrading to Visual Studio 2010->2022 and use the CR .NET components:

It's likely either permission or a dependency missing. You'll have to do more debugging...

Do all exports fail or some?

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Excel, CSV and Text is working. I have not test more.
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Quick test: Excel, CSV and Text is working. I tested the .NET components may years ago. The customer complains. It was slow, so I had to go back to the CR version.
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Is there a way I can turn on some logging and find out why the CR will not export the PDF anymore?
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CRR has no logging, you would have to build it into your app. You could try Procmon, it may help and possibly dependency walker might give you a clue also. It could be just reinstalling Adobe Reader may help also... CR uses it to format PDF...
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Installeing Adobe did not work. Procmon was intresting. It will take some time to look into it. I see crviewer.dll, but is there another file look into?
Active Contributor
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Don's suggestion to switch to 11.5 (at a minimum) may well solve the issue for you. I have an 11.5 version working at many customer sites, and I haven't encountered this issue.
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How to get CR 11.5 or better? I realy want to try it. I asked in the SAP chat about it, but they did not know. And I don't find anythin in the SAP Crystal Report 2016 documentation that can help me.
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I found this catalog in SAP CR 2026. SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports\crystalreportviewers\ActiveXControls
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I found this catalog in SAP CR 2026. "SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports\crystalreportviewers\ActiveXControls". Is this what I need?
Active Contributor
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No, that is old technolgy... have you tried upgrading to .NET and CR for VS SP37 and fix the delay issues by opening a dummy rreport?
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I have not tried ".NET and CR for VS SP37" yet. I think it is maybe the most realistic solution. In SAP Crystal Report 2016 there is a ActiveXControls catalogue with CRViewer.dll etc. I wonder if there some examples and how to use this one in a VB6 program AND are I allowed to do so by the license?