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My app can not export PDF anymore after Windows 11 update (24H2 - 26.100.3037)

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It is a old VB6 app, but have been running for years (from 2003)  and the customer loves it. It even run perfect until a few days ago, when there was Windows 11 update.

It is confermed by the user that 23H2 - No problem. 24H2 - can not export.

It is possible to see the report, but it is not possible to export to PDF.

I get a dialog box withe heading: "Crystal REpoer Viewer", The message is: "Failed to export the report"

My CRViewer.dll has version

I someone else experience this problem?
What can I do to fix it (other than rollback the windows update)?

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Sorry it's been so long since I've used VS 6 and CR XI I don't recall what the export dll is.

Current versions export dll's are crxf_*.dll, it could be the same for XI, I don't recall now what it used...

In CR Designer open the report and if you click on Help.. About... More Info it lists the dll's used, export the report and then look for something with PDF in the name. Then use Procmon or Dependency Walker on the dll, it may suggest what's missing.Try simplifying the report, no database connection and just a "Hello World" in a text box and see if that works, then take the report having problems and start removing parts and see if it works at any point.

You really need to update your app, there are ways to improve performance in .NET SDK, load a dummy report on when your app opens, that preloads all of the CR runtime so when you open a real reports it should right away.

You never mentioned at what point the customer complained about the speed in your new app?

Good luck