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Monitoring Job Server in Data Services 4.2

0 Kudos


I need to monitor by means of a script or a single command the status of the job server in data services, that is to say that once the instruction has been entered, it returns me that it is running. So far I have the monitoring by the svrcfg and the console but they are not functional, the idea is to be able to do them with a single command. my system is a linux red hat 6.8. and the data services is a 4.2 with SP6

Thank you


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Can you try the below command

ps -ef|grep AL_JobService

When you use the ./svrcfg utility the the runs in background.

Job Service Executable path



Arun Sasi

0 Kudos

Hi Arun

Thanks for you answer

Ok, is good idea this. but is only work well when the job server is shutdown. but i would like that when the job server is block, whit a command, i can be able of see this. for example, look the followings error

"1/31/18 10:11:04 AM Unable to connect to job server 'mdesapbdsd01:3500'. Error= Client id adapter.AD_SFDC_INTEGRACION is already in use
1/31/18 10:11:04 AM com.acta.adapter.sdk.AdapterException: Unable to connect to job server 'mdesapbdsd01:3500'. Error= Client id adapter.AD_SFDC_INTEGRACION is already in use
at com.acta.adapter.sdk.AdapterEnvironmentImpl.init(
at com.acta.adapter.sdk.AdapterRunnerImpl.initAdapter(
at com.acta.adapter.sdk.AdapterMain.main("

if i go to console Data Services in status i seen that the job server is in yellow color. This error when appears it is necessary restart the job server. Really this no is the problem. I want to know, how i can automatically knows this status. if i know this, i can do anything either be program in operating system to take action.

Thank you


Answers (2)

Answers (2)

0 Kudos

Hi Dirk

but what is the complement of this command

for example; ps -fea |grep al_jobserver?


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Use the Linux ps command.