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Mobinlink sometimes keeps hanging, do I change timeout ?

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We have a .Net application that utilizes mobilink in order to synchronize. Though sometimes the synchronization keeps hanging (for hours..)... I suspect that it may have to do with a timeout setting that we use:


Though I notice that there are multiple timeout settings:

So I'm not sure the GetEvent Method can even create this sort of behaviour...

anyone seen anything like this before?

Thanks in advance,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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It is unlikely that timeout is the cause. A "hang" behaviour in MobiLink is usually traced back to a blocking issue in the database. What is the consolidated database?

Former Member
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Oracle ... It's hard to pinpoint when this happens because it only happens occasionally... one user says this happens while disconnecting from the publication


When you say "MobiLink hangs" are you really saying this? "From an end user's point of view, the synchronization of that user's remote database starts but does not finish?"

Are you using SQL Anywhere or UltraLite for the remote databases?

How is the synchronization started? Executing dbmlsync.exe?

Do you capture the dbmlsync activity with the dbmlsync -o file.txt option? If so, please post it here, for one of the hanging clients.

Do you capture the mlsrv11.exe activity with the mlsrv11 -o file.txt option? If so, please post it here.

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