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Mobilink sync issue

Former Member
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Error that I need help with, [-10261] Unable to bind listener socket to port (system error 10013)

server: windows server 2008 R2Standard 64 bit
database configuratie parameter:
D:\\Databases\\Sybase\\imob\\imobopl\\imob.db -n imobopl -c 20M -ch 50M -x tcpip(serverport=52007)

mobilink startup script:

REM Starting the Mobilink Server
REM Parameter -zu+ inserts every new ml_user in the central database automatically
REM Temporaer –ze to Generate Example Skripts
timeout 180
start mlsrv11 -c "dsn=imobopl;uid=imob;pwd=moby" -fr -zs MLServer -zu+ -v -o "D:DatabasesSybaseimobimoboplimobopldbmlsrv.txt" -x tcpip(host=vm-sybtst01;port=52007)

according to netstat -tna there is a listener at the 52007 port, I can start the mobilink without specifying the -x tcpip(host=vm-sybtst01;port=52007) option, but then I get the following error on the clients that try to sync. Unable to read 0 bytes. (On client side I specify the ip and port of the server). Is there some sort of setting that needs to be changed on the server or is there something else wrong, any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Dimitri De Proft

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Former Member

I found the problem, it seems I made the mistake of assigning the same port (52007) to the database AND to the Mobilink. For some reason I thought this was necessary, but it turned out this was causing the problems. Changing one of them solved it.

D:DatabasesSybaseimobimoboplimob.db -n imobopl -c 20M -ch 50M -x tcpip(serverport=52007)

start mlsrv11 -c "dsn=imobopl;uid=imob;pwd=moby" -fr -zs MLServer -zu+ -v -o "D:DatabasesSybaseimobimoboplimobopldbmlsrv.txt" -x tcpip(host=vm-sybtst01;port=52007)

Thanks for the help, the _log_all=9 and netstat really helped me find the problem.


[-10261] Unable to bind listener socket to port (system error 10013)

This means that another process is already bound to this port (52007).

according to netstat -tna there is a listener at the 52007 port

Meaning that the port is definitely in use by another application prior to launching MobiLink...? Two applications cannot listen on the same port (on the same IP address) - they must be different.

Do you know which other process is already listening on this port on the server? Is it another MobiLink server instance you have previously launched perhaps? If you're not sure which application has bound to this port currently, you can use 'TcpView' from Microsoft SysInternals to find out.

You'll need to stop the already running application on that port and then launch the MobiLink server in order for it to bind to port 52007 and allow your synchronizations to make it to the server.

0 Kudos

netstat -a -b can also be used to show which process is bound to a port. The -b switch requires elevation.

Former Member

I have a few thoughts. Some are obvious, but they must be asked:

  • There are several reasons this error can occur, so more information is required.
  • Normally the host= setting is only required if you have multiple network cards and want to target a specific one.
  • Make sure the IP address is correct.
  • Can you use the hostname instead?
  • Is there any request-based activity in the MobiLink server log? It doesn't sound like it. To see the details of all network activity, add the following option within the parentheses of the -x option: ;_log_all=9
  • If the _log_all=9 setting shows no activity, then your sync request isn't making it to MobiLink server.

  • Russ