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Mobilink screen freezes in Windows Mobile 6.5

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I start the dbmlsync.exe (ASA 11.0.1) command from my application. The Mobilink screen opens in order to watch the synchronisation. After the sync has succeeded, you can close this screen with the shutdown button at the bottom (and return to the application). When I press the X-button next to the shutdown button, the screen freezes and I cannot return to the application anymore. This is very annoying, because most of the users will press the X-button instead of the shutdown button. Is there a way to solve this? Or is there a way to hide the X-button?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Kevin,

I don't think we have had other customer reports of "freezing" using the "X" versus "[Shut Down]" on the dbmlsync console. Without knowing the specifics, it would be difficult to make a recommendation for options you can use. Do you have a technical support plan with Sybase so that you can open a technical support case to explore this issue with us some more?

dbmlsync does have the option of "auto-closing" itself when it's finished synchronizing with the "dbmlsync -qc" option, so maybe this is a possibility for you...? With just the "-qc" switch (and no additional "-o" or "-ot" switches to output the dbmlsync log to a text file) you will only see a dbmlsync console window when there was an error with the synchronization - you won't see it for successful synchronizations.

(Aside: Maybe this behaviour would make for a smoother user experience for your users...?).

If you just want dbmlsync to be "silent", you can use the "-q" switch if you want dbmlsync to automatically minimize to the system tray when it launches and auto-close when it's done. (e.g. "dbmlsync -qc -q -o dbmlsync.txt")

If you don't want to see dbmlsync at all you can also use the "-qi" switch which won't even show the dbmlsync icon in the system tray. (e.g. "dbmlsync -qi -qc -o dbmlsync.txt")

(Note: The "dbmlsync -qi" switch is present and working in all 11/12 builds but was unfortunately missed in the documentation / command-line usage for 11.0.1 / 12.0.1 - see CR #668833 for the details ).