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Missing TypeEntity while creating fiori app from template SAP BAS

0 Kudos

Hi everyone,

As I try to create a fiori project from template right after this step:

I get the following error:

When I see EntityType and EntitySet in the error message I think directly of the service.cds file in my CAP project which it looks like the following:

using { climatex as my } from '../db/schema';

service catalogservice @(path : '/browse') {
    entity portfolios as projection on my.portfolios;

after deploying the project to hana and the mta archive file, I defined a destination in order to be able to call the odata while creating a project from template:

and up until this point everything works fine even the data are correctly displayed.

Does anyone have an idea how I can solve this issue?

much appreciate it.


Active Participant

Hi Maissa,

It looks strange that your EntitySet and EntityType are both named portfolios. Can you share your CAP application in a public Git repository? Or at least add your /db/schema.cds file?

Kind regards,

0 Kudos

Hi Sebastian,

thank you for your reply.

Because of some kind of issue, I cannot push my project to github currently so I am posting the code of the /db/schema.cds file:

namespace climatex;

entity portfolios {
    key ID             : String(5);
    PORTFOLIO_NUMBER   : String(2);
    PORTFOLIO_NAME     : String(30);
    PORTFOLIO_SHARES   : Decimal(23,19);
    ISIN               : String(20);
    COMPANY_NAME       : String(30);
    SECTOR_LV1         : String(100);
    SECTOR_LV2         : String(100);
    WEIGHT_FLAG        : String(30);
    WEIGHTING          : Decimal(23,19);
    NAICS_NUM          : String(10);
    NAICS_NAME         : String(100);
    SCENARIO           : String(6);
    ADAPTIVE_CAP       : String(30);
    REGION             : String(30);
    COUNTRY            : String(30);
    TECHNOLOGY         : String(30);
    YEAR               : String(4);
    EBITDA             : Decimal(35,19);
    EBIT               : Decimal(35,19);
    DEPRECIATION       : Decimal(35,19);
    SALES              : Decimal(35,19);
    VOLUME             : Decimal(35,19);
0 Kudos

I made it here is the link to my Git repository.

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