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Migration from Oracle (on Windows) to MaxDB (on SPARC) - possible?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi @ *,

we have the following scenario: a company is offering a very specialized and customized SAP client inside a Oracle-based SAP system. We are interested in this client as it is valuable for our teaching. Now we are thinking about how to get the data from the one computing center to our computing center.

We see one possibility: client export and client import. But as we've done this a lot of times in the past and we faced every time new problems we are aware of this problem. So we are searching for another possibility to migrate the data into our computing center and we thought about transfering the whole database. So now my question is if there is a way for transfering the data from the Oracle database to one of our MaxDB. Are there specialized software tools available? Did anyone migrate an entire Oracle database to MaxDB? Does anyone see any other solutions?



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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no, there is no other solution when changing the database from oracle to maxdb (or any other db)

-> you will have to go for a heterogeneous system copy

-> you will need a certified consultant (otherwise sap will not support the target system)

-> you will need to order the migration service from sap

-> have a look at sapnet -> osdbmigration

GreetZ, AH

Former Member
0 Kudos

Andreas, thank you very much. This helps.



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

To do a test migration you would need to do the following:

- use sapinst to export the database via R3load

--> use the newest tools (R3load, R3szchk, R3ldctl) for the source platform

--> shut down the source instance during export

--> if the system is a BI system you need to do additional steps (SMIGR_CREATE_DDL et al)

- at import also use the latest tools (as above)

--> it may happen, that you need to increase the database size during import since R3szchk can't determine the target size exactly

--> Usage of the migration tools (MIGMON.SAR) makes things easier and faster

All that is stated in the system copy guides also.

But as already stated, you will not have support for the target system and thus I would do that only as a "proof-of-concept" but never for production migrations.

I have done several of those "test-"migrations in the past, it works with more or less hazzle. Most complicated is definitely BW/BI since that application is developed very tight at the database level. A "usual" R/3 4.7 or above shouldn't give much trouble.

