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Migrate sap ui5 appsfrom sap.ui.commons to sap.m

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello experts,

How to migrate sap ui5 apps that are built on libraries like sap.ui.commons, to sap.m and other libraries that are not deprecated?

Should the apps be rebuild again from scartch?


We can edit the existing controls that are used in the app like, matrix layout

and forms that are used from sap.ui.commons library to

layouts and forms in sap.ui.layout library and other controls as well and replace them with sap.m controls.

Thank you 🙂

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Active Contributor


very good question.. I do not think there is a 1 to 1 match on your controls. there may be controls, properties and events which are not the same on both libraries (sap.ui.commons and sap.m) it really depends on what your app does/ what is the content of your application.

if you are going to migrate, consider using the XML views (sap.m controls) as recommended by SAP. there may be a lot of similarities if you correctly used MVC, etc.

maybe you need to do a comparison of the controlls (sap.ui.commons) and see if you see the equivalent controls on the sap.m library.

here is some documentation where you can find the responsive controlls.

good luck!

Former Member
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Thank you for your response 🙂
so do you recommend building it again using XML views or compare the controls, find the alternative to controls which are not equivalent and replace them.

Active Contributor

You have to do it manually. Change the libraries mapped in the XML header tag and then change the controls which are in "m" library but not in "commons".

You also need to check if the methods used for existing controls(like Label, Input etc. ) in "commons" are also available in "m" library.

Former Member
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Thank you Sharath.
Will implement this approach.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

i wrote a few lines on things to look for,

hope this is helpful for you

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

You will have to manually, map the controls in commons library to the target library(m or me) and then run the application.