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Migrate from Portal 6 to Portal 7

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Hello Guys

Im asking you for your help.

I have a portal with version 6 and WAS 6.40 and SP19 , and my boss is asking me to migrate to version 7 of the portal and is asking me to give him how much time would I take to make this upgrade. Currently in my portal I have a j2ee development developed with Netweaver Developer Studio, also I have a development in Visual Composer version 6 which is published to the portal and is accesed via a bapi function with a user in R/3 and also in Netweaver developer studio I have a PAR development with jsp's used in an External Facing Portal. My questions are:

What are the steps to migrate the portal from version 6 to 7 without affecting these developments ?

Is there a manual to migrate portal from version 6 to 7 and where can I find it?

How much time would it take to updgrade the portal from version 6 to 7 ?

Is the Visual Composer 6 compatible with portal version 7 ?

If not what are the steps to upgrade Visual composer to the next version compatible with portal version 7 ?

Or is there a manual to updgrade the Visual composer ?

Thanks a lot for your answers

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Hi Luis,

first, going from was EP6 WAS 6.40 to EP7 (Netweaver 7.0 aka 2004s) is an upgrade.

Migration is for EP6 SP2 to EP6 WAS 6.40 (NW04).

What are the steps to migrate the portal from version 6 to 7 without affecting these developments ?

Well, any upgrade will affect somehow your developments.

However, upgrade from EP6 NW04 to EP7 is very easy.

In resume, you just copy all EP7 dvdz onto the portal server, start sapinst, and follow instructions.

Guides available at :

How much time would it take to updgrade the portal from version 6 to 7 ?

I went from EP6 SP2 to EP7 in a three days week-end, 42h of work.

Going from EP6 NW04 to EP7 will be like a day to upgrade, and a day to test (2 days).

But before, you will need two weeks to do a system copy, test the upgrade on the system copy and etablishing a custom upgrade guide for your system.

You can't do it without simulate it before, that not serious.

Is the Visual Composer 6 compatible with portal version 7 ?

Sorry, I don't know.

For all projects (jsp, wd, etc) done with Developer studio 6.40, you need to copy/paste all projects int Developer studio 7.0, and compile them with the new jars from EP7.

It took me half an hour per project.

Or is there a manual to updgrade the Visual composer ?

If you upgrade to EP7 SR2, visual composer 7.0 will be installed at the same time.

It was optional at EP7 SP8, then included in EP7 SP9 (SR2).


Former Member
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Hello Brad,

Thanks for all the information, but I have more questions.

I was told by other colleages that I would need another server and in that server Install Netweaver 7 or EP7 but before that I would have to make a complete package of the content of the EP6 in my production server and then import this content into the new server with EP7. But with what you have told me in this post you are saying that in the same server that I have EP6 WAS 6.40 NW04 I can make the upgrade by just copying the content of the EP7 dvds to a folder in this server and just running the sapinst. My questions are if this is correct, Would this make my portal with version 7 and the WAS to version 7 automatically ? I ask you this because I have made upgrades of SP's so this seems like somewhat the same thing like just upgrading a SP.

Thanks for your comments.


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Hi Luis,

your collegues are wrong.

You can upgrade EP6 WAS 640 to Netweaver 7 (EP7) with one server.

You only need a new server when going from EP6 SP2 WAS 620 to EP6 WAS 640.

When upgrading EP6 WAS 640 to Netweaver 7 (EP7), your EP6 will become EP7 WAS 700.

It's similar to installing a new SP, but SAPINST do all the job for you.

Also, you can include the last EP7 SP in the upgrade, so you won't be stuck to EP7 SP9 at the end, and lose another day to update to SP12.


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Hello Brad,

Thanks for the info.

So if I understand correctly I can migrate directly from EP6 WAS 640 to EP7 WAS 700 SP12. That is correct ?

Also I want you to ask if the EP7 upgrade files can be downloaded from the marketplace or if it can be only performed by the dvds from EP7.

If it can be downloaded where can I find them ?

Thanks in advance.


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Hi Luis,

you are right, upgrade to EP7 SP12.

EP7 Files :

Go into installation and upgrade, then netweaver, netweaver 2004s.

You can find the EP7 dvdz in portal section, just choose you database.


Former Member
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Hello Brad,

Thanks for all the info you have given to me, this helps a lot I appreciate it very much.

With what you have told me about this upgrade my plan is that since my boss has given me a little server with capacity of 20.3 GB of Hard Disk in only one HD and with 3.48 GB of RAM and Windows 2003 Enterprise SP2 I will ask the guys from Backups to restore me a backup of production server to this server , I mean like a system copy but before I don't know if I have to have the EP6 WAS 6.40 installed in this server and the SQL Server 2000 since just doing a system copy won't have an equal copy of my production server. I don't know if you comply with this.

In order to make this system copy , before I would have to have installed the EP6 WAS 640 in this test server and also installed the SQL Server 2000 for the database and after that make the system copy. I don't know if there is a manual to make an Entire System Copy of my production server with EP6 WAS 640 to another server, so that I can perform this first and then when I have an identical production server after that I can upgrade it to EP7 WAS700 and test it.

I don't know if this would be the steps to perform in order to make the entire system copy. Would you agree with this ?

Or if you could tell me what would be all the steps to make the entire system copy or what are the prerequisites or software that has to be installed before I make this system copy.

And also I don't know if I would make it with 20.3 GB Free space in Hard Disk and 3.48 GB or RAM to have the EP6 WAS 640 installed with the system copy and after that to make the upgrade to EP7 WAS 700. Can you tell me if the hardware specifications that I am giving to you to make this test simulation server are going to be enough ?

I don't have too much in this server only a PAR Develop.ent , a j2ee development and a Visual Composer Iview.

Thanks in advance.


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Hello Luis,

If you want a perfect clone of your PRD server, you may take a ghost of it, then restore that ghost to you test server.

You don't need to install os and portal before.

After that, if you need to connect that TST server to network (ex : ume from active directory), you'll need to change the server name.

You will need a new j2ee license.

HD Space :

Same as PRD Server. If you don't have a lot of km documents, 20 gb may be enough.

You may need an usb hard drive for the EP7 dvdz.


I recommend minimum 2.5 for 2004s, 3.48 is enough.


At least a 2 ghz for a test server. Dual cpu/core for a PRD.

Other solution than ghost :

Use the system copy option from sapinst. However, data will be the same, but it is not a perfect clone.

What I did for my test server :

I took a ghost of my EP6 SP2 system, then restored the ghost in a vmware machine.

VMWARE is free, and you have snapshots that save you a lot of time. No need for offline backup.


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Hello Brad

I was reading the Upgrade Guide for SAP Netweaver 2004s Java and it says that the required CDS are Upgrade Master DVD the SAP Kernel DVD and the Java DVD for SAP Netweaver 2004s , I went to installation upgrades and in SAP Netweaver and Netweaver 2004s for MSSQL Server it displays a lot of zip files to download, but I found the ones that say:

51032261_12 NW 2004s SR2 Upgrade Master Windows Server on IA32 32bit

From these two I don't know if which one is the correct or if I have to use both, since one says Upgr. I suppose this is the correct one but I am not sure.

51032266_3 NW 2004s SR2 Kernel 7.00 Windows Server on IA32 32bit

51032266_4 NW 2004s SR2 Kernel 7.00 Windows Server on IA32 32bit Upgr.

51032257_1 NW 2004s SR2 Java based SW Comp. 1 of 5

51032257_2 NW 2004s SR2 Java based SW Comp. 2 of 5

51032257_3 NW 2004s SR2 Java based SW Comp. 3 of 5

51032257_4 NW 2004s SR2 Java based SW Comp. 4 of 5

51032257_5 NW 2004s SR2 Java based SW Comp. 5 of 5

Can you confirm if these are all the ones I need to download and from the Kernel which one is the correct.

Thanks in advance.


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Hi Luis,

You are right with your cds.

You need :

51032266_4 NW 2004s SR2 Kernel 7.00 Windows Server on IA32 32bit Upgr

If I am not wrong, since 2004s SR1, you need a Solution Manager 3.x or 4.x in your landscape to get an installation key.

Please verify the guides.

When I did my upgrade last year, I took non-SR1 dvdz and did not have to get an installation key.

But when later I installed a SR1 system, I was asked for one.


Former Member
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Brad, Thanks a lot for the Info , I appreciate your help very much.

This is all I need to make this upgrade.


Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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Refer the following link...

<a href=""></a>

it may helpful to u..



[Points r welcome if useful]

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hi Luis,

Check this thread..

