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MDM 5.5.SP3: Workflow

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Hi dear MDM colleagues ..

I am currently working on MDM implementation in France and I have problems with workflow....

The need of my customer is to send an e-mail in external outlook when the user updates or creates a record , but without manual handling ..How is it possible to launch automatically the job ?

Thanks a lot for your help and any documentation/examples of workflows

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Former Member
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Hi Laurence,

It is currently not possible to launch any outside programs/applications from MDM workflow. However, there is a notification step in MDM workflow which sends e-mail using an SMTP server. You could then use an SMTP client to see what was sent. The server must be configured in the mds.ini file. This is described in page 197 of the Data Manager Reference Guide.

Hope this helps,


Former Member
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Hi Richard,

Thanks for your quick answer.My main question was: how to launch automatically the workflow in MDM, without right-click from a admin or a user ...I thought that the parameter "max time launch = 1 hours " in workflow description was useful to trigger and launch the workflow but it doesnt' work ....

Do you have any experience on this ?

Thanks in advance

Best regards


Former Member
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Hi Laurence,

I don't have experience with the max time launch setting but it definitely should work so if it doesn't, you should consider opening a message. What i have tried is the Max Records Launched setting and i now that this works. Would this be a possibility?

Hope this helps,


0 Kudos


There is property called "Trigger Actions" in the Record detail pane for a Workflow job. This property can be set to one of the following values:


Record Import

Record Update

Record Add

Depending on which value is selected will determine how/when the workflow job is started.



Former Member
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Hi AAron,

Thanks for your quick answer.I have put the settings option "record update" .But after , the job is in status 'unlaunched " .My main question was: how to launch automatically the workflow without rightclick from a admin or a user ...I thought that the parameter "max time launch = 1 hours " in workflow description was useful to trigger and launch the workflow but it doesnt' work ....

Do you have any experience on that ?

Best regards

Former Member
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Please set Max Time Launch to 0 hours instead of 1 hour. This is how, the workflow is triggered instantly. Another way of automatic triggering is already explained by Richard LeBlanc- Setting Max number of Records to 1.

Hope this helps,


Rajani Kumar

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
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Thank a lot for your help and documentation ...

best regards


Former Member
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Please refer to the link below, where in you find answer to your question and also likely future queries.