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MDK : Changes done on VS code are not reflecting in my Andriod Simulator

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Hi Experts, 
I have setup SSAM debuging setup on windows desktop with VS code and Android simulator. 
My new changes done in VS code are not reflecting on my Andriod simulator, changes were reflecting previously but it is not working after i maintained the BaseProject name in MDKProject.json file and built SSAM client.
"BaseProject": "SAPAssetManager",
Do i need to maintain anything for custom project in MDKProject.json file. 

bill_froelich & muhammad_rafay  Can you please help with this issue.

Madhukar G

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Assuming you are directly bundling to the simulator, the one key thing to make sure is that you did not download definitions from App Update.  Changes directly bundled from VSCode to the simulator are not used if you have downloaded from App Update.

The Base Project value is only used during create client to find the app metadata if it is stored in a subfolder under the .mdkproject/metadata folder. The metadata in the Base Project location is bundled and copied to the client as branded metadata.  Assuming you have the launch.json pointing to your simulator, when bundling from VSCode the metadata is copied over the client branded metadata.

If you don't have an "ns run android --emulator" running in a terminal/command prompt to watch the client location you would need to relaunch your client onto the simulator to pickup the new branded metadata.  If it is running then it normally would relaunch the client on the simulator automatically.

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@bill_froelich Ya, I am directly bundling to simulator, I am not downloading definitions from App Update. I click on later instead of Update option.
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@bill_froelich Ya, I am directly bundling to simulator, I am not downloading definitions from App Update. I click on later instead of Update option. Once i did my changes in run "Run Build Task" then i run "tns run android"
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I would start by checking your client to verify the bundle.js (or mbundle.js) in the client app directory to verify it contains your changes. Also what MDK client version, VSCode extension version and mdk-tools version (if installed) are you using?