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MDG Staging tables for type 2 entity

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Hi Experts,

What is the use of Type 2 entities in SAP MDG ? I have done some research and I noticed every type 2 entity
has the separate access class, which reads the data from check table and text table. These values are displayed
when F4 help is selected for the type 2 entity. And type 2 entity can also use to lead or qualify Type 4 entity.
But I did not understand the role of type 2 generated staging check and text tables.
When these tables will be filled ?
When these tables will be queried by the standard MDG framework ?

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Hi Pranjal,

Let me show you an example to explain what's the difference between Type 2 and Type 3.

As you know, sometimes type 3 entity is used to be a check table and MDG will use the ERP check table for this kind of entity.

But Type 2 is more like a dynamic Check table which table content will be determined by MDG.

If you have such requirements: Plant code has an ERP check table T001W. For now, we need to create a special check logic for this plant code. If Material Type = Raw Material, then Plant Code can only use 1000 - 2000. If Material Type = Finish Goods, then Plant Code can only use 3000 - 4000.

For this case, you can not just use ERP check table T001W in Type 3 to limit the input values and validation logic.

Entity Type 2 may be a good choose for such scenario, you can fill dynamic check table content from the Type 2 access class. We called this 'Check table is changable in MDG'.

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Hi, Thanks for you reply. When the staging tables for type 2 entity will be filled in the standard MDG framework?

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Hi Parnjal,

You can put the breakpoint in Type 2 Access Class~Read_value method.

The staging table should be filled in this method and triggered when you try to read the field value, for example open the field search help or do some validation.

Best regards,
