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MDG-BP-Key Business partner is not getting changed

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Hello Experts,

I am trying to change all the entity details along with business partner for a pending change request through governance api.

I was able to achieve the functionality but issue is that, Since i am changing the Key business partner, 2 business partners are getting created for the same change request.

Is it possible to delete the old business partner or achieve the functionality by changing the key by some other way and only one business partner created for the change request. Kindly help to provide suggestions or feasible solution for the same.

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When you mention that it is a pending change requst then you mean the CR is in process and the BP is in staging area. So, I guess, you cannot change the internal number assigned to the business partner. Before you try to modify the CR data make sure to enqueue and dequeue the CR.

Secondly, Upon chnaging data make sure you set the action of the CR. Not sure what exactrly your custome process flow is but.. It would help if you can provide some more details ...

Probably , I guess you are trying to copy the Entity data . in this process you might have forgot to create a temporary key which would be different from the copied on. So need some more informatin about the process flow then it makes more clear.



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Hi Pavan,

Thank you for the response, here it is a change request in process and Business partner is in staging area.

We are using an external number range which we are trying to modify after submission of the change request(for example Business partner created before submission 4000067854 should be replaced by another Business partner id(20000056743) after submission) which is retrieved through web services.

The functionality was achieved through governance api with all the entity data copied however two business partners are getting created for a single change request,

Is there any way to achieve the above functionality by replacing the business partner of the change request by not creating another business partner id.

I have enqueued and dequeued the change request, can you please let me know what action of the CR is to be set over here,

