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MaxDB restore failing

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Dear Experts,

one data file of our prod. MaxDB has been zeroed. No idea how could that happen!
Now I am trying to restore, using DB Studio. I selected a point in time of today morning 7 AM.
This failed miserably, here are the errors from the log:


I wanted to attempt another restore to just restore the last Full DB Backup. We made it available in a local file system directly on the server. When I checked now, THE BACKUP FILE WAS GONE !!!! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE ???

Could anyone please help with some meaningful explanations how can we manage the restore ? Many thanks!

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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restore failed -> disk_not_accessible, data file empty, backup file gone. => all this looks like there is file system issue, or do you have some anti-virus software, which may touch OS file? Maxdb software itself, won't delete file or make data file empty.
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Hello James, many thanks for the reply! Yes, we have antivirus, I thinkg TrendMicro. They have restored again the backup file from the backup Server. Now I am copying it and will try another restore, just of that backup, without PIT. Will report back how it went! THANKS !!!
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And one more question - when doing ONLINE backup - does the backup file contain the logs from the backup duration integrated, like in Hana and Sybase for example ?
Active Participant

OK, now I know the reason - a Control M job ran and deleted the backup file !! It was not MaxDB !!! Please just let me know if the backup file of an online backup contains the logs from the backup duration. Thanks a lot!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Maxdb online backup will not touch log file, and the data will be the time when backup started. And all the change during backup writting to log files.
and not like other database, maxdb online backup is consistent.
It means maxdb online backup can restore, without log backup.
Not like oracle, oracle online backup must have log backup, then can be restored, recovery.