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Marker update - Inventory Management

Former Member
0 Kudos


We are not using the 2LIS_03_BX extractor in our model. We only have 2LIS_03_BF and 2LIS_03_UM which are both feeding to separate write-optimized DSO's which subsequently feed to standard DSO's and eventually into one Z cube (copy of 0IC_C03). Everything has been mirrored exactly like the business content delivered objects (cube, transformations, etc).

So, in this scenario, how will we use the marker update feature to improve query performance? Please note that I have looked at MANY articles, posts, etc on this topic and they all talk about the use of marker update with 2LIS_03_BX (opening stock balance). In our case, we are not using that extractor. Can someone please explain in a step-by-step manner or with relevant documentation? I need to know which order to load data in and then when to check or uncheck the marker update option in the cube, when to compress, etc. We have data starting from year 2000 to present (2012).

I have been looking at a LOT of the articles that are out there on this topic but nothing talks about not using BX. So please, I humbly request that you refrain from sending the links to the usual generic articles as I'm getting a little confused .

I will really appreciate the help. I am at a dead-end! Points will be awarded.

Thanks in advance.

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi MD,

I would advise strongly to use the BX extractor in your data model. You talk about the generic documents on doing Inventory management in BW, but the BX gives you the initial Stock position and with the correct settings on the DTP (and infopak) you then get the marker update, from which when you load and compress the BF movements, BW then calculates from the marker where the actual stock position is. Without it, you have no idea where the position of the stock is...hence your queries will run and run.

But seriously revisit your data model.