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manage infocube

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what does the "transferred" and "added" columns in infocube--> manage screen mean

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Transferred are the records that come from the source system and Added are the records that get added to the data target.

Suppose you have a record coming and in the update rules you write a routine to split that into 2 records then the added records will be more than transferred.

Likewise there might be a scenario where you will reject certain records in the update rules and not update the cube/ODS. In this case the transferred records are more than added.

Hope I have made things clear.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Subramanian,

Transferred records means , How many records come into BW...Added records means how many records actually added to the target..

Already ,There was a post in this forum regarding this.Please use search...

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Former Member
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I think this is it.

If there are two exact records in the same datapacket with same characteristic values, then it adds up the keyfigures and adds only one record to the infoCube.

Then transferred records are 2, but added records is 1.