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Loss of code

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello there!!

I've just installed the developer studio 7.0.11 in a computer, then I imported a project but I try to change some things while moving between tabs (for example from the source to context tab and back to the source tab) then I lose the changes to the code... I'm sure it's not normal

I thought I could be because of RAM lack, but I've checked the task manager and it says that the computer has more memory than it requieres (the computer has 1GB of RAM and is using 700MB)

Do you have any idea of what could be happening?

Thanks a lot!

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Answers (3)

Former Member
0 Kudos


firstly as said above always code between //@@begin and //@@end. webdyn pro doesnt permit writing the code outside these. secondly if ur adding some private methods add it at the end that is

   * The following code section can be used for any Java code that is 
   * not to be visible to other controllers/views or that contains constructs
   * currently not supported directly by Web Dynpro (such as inner classes or
   * member variables etc.). </p>
   * Note: The content of this section is in no way managed/controlled
   * by the Web Dynpro Designtime or the Web Dynpro Runtime. 
  //@@begin others

inthis part add the code within the begin others and end then changing of tabs wont erase ur codin i had faced the same problms earlier when i had tried adding an private method but my probblm was solved..

hope this helps u..

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Are you sure that you are writing the code in right place in the methods?

e.g. if //@@end is missed in the method then your code wiped out.Check once everything is correct.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks, but yes, I'm sure I'm putting the code where I'm supposed to!!!

Any other idea?

Former Member
0 Kudos


I think when you change something in the context tab, the code tab is reloaded from metadata without saving your changes first.

I have seen this before and since then I always save the meta data before changing context or layout tabs.

Kind regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Do you know the reason of that strange behaviour? How can I solve that?

Former Member
0 Kudos


Does this happends accross all projects or only to one?

Have you tried with a different workspace?



Former Member
0 Kudos

Actually no, it happens only in one imported project... I've just tried in a new project and it worked...then I tried in a new controller and it also worked... how can I solve that?? what's happening??

The project is too big to be copied from scratch!!

Thanks a lot!!

Former Member
0 Kudos


Then try copying it if you have the backup of the project which was working properly.

Copy the folder of the project into your workspace. Open .project file in some editor and rename the <name> tag with modified(copied) folder name.

Import the project from the studio.

Lets see if this resolves the strange behavior.

thanks & regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos


Just make sure that the @@begin and @@end are properly matching .

if nothing helps just check the xml for the respective file and see is their any tag opening closing mismatch.



Former Member
0 Kudos


I guess its normal. I think you are trying to add code where you are not supposed to do. It should be inside the methods and event handlers only, braces should be properly paired and create methods using the wizard only.

thanks & regards,
