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Is there any way by which we can create a log of the steps that are taking place during XI processing.....

I want to know if there is something other than adding trace to messages which are seen in MONI

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Follow this Blog , then you wiull be able to see all the messages in moni




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hi prashant,

to log the processing steps in xi

go to SXMB_ADM(integration engine admin)

1)select->integration engine configuration

2)from here choose menu path

goto->specific configuration.

3)add the following parameters

category parameter current value

runtime logging 1

runtime logging_sync 1

and set trace level to 2

save the changes made

then goto SXMB_MONI (to check the processed xml msgs)

then you can follwing steps

>inbound message

receiver determination

interface determinatio

message split according to receiver

request based message mapping

technical routing

call adapter

note:award points if found helpfull



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Hi prasant,

For getting the message states in XI processing, you can use the RWB option Messgae monitoring.

Also i have have heard about some ABAP tables such as SXMSPFRAWH, that keeps the details of process details.

SXMSPFRAWH - runtime performance table for only sucessful messages


- Vinod


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Monitoring tool is provided by SAP.

For checking the channel status u can see the RWB component monitoring and communcation monitoring.

If u go through the RWB-message monitoring u will come to know all the process steps and its result.

Other option is End to end monitoring.

refer the below link:



Edited by: Chirag Gohil on Mar 21, 2008 3:48 PM