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ListBox in iPad: selecting multiple values

Former Member
0 Kudos


When I create a ListBox using SAPUI5 for a WebApp (running it from my laptop) I can select multiple values from the ListBox by pressing the "CTRL" key of my keyboard.

The problem is when i run the application from the iPad: i cant press "CTRL" for selecting multiple values.

Is it possible to set the ListBox to select multiple values by simply clicking on them (without pressing CTRL).



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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Julian,

sorry for the delayed reply.

The "sap.ui.commons" controls are mainly targeting desktop browsers. They are enabled to run on touch-operated tablets like iPad, but this support is limited and multiselect in a ListBox is currently a limitation.

For the best user experience on mobile/touch devices you could have a look at the new "sap.m" control library.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Andreas,

Thanks for your help.

I found a workaround: create a panel and dynamically create checkboxes inside of the panel to simulate the ListBox.

I took a look to the sap.m library, but i couldn't find much documentantion, just a demo of the things you can do (which by the way, looks amazing).

