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Lis Environment

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Can anybody tell me what is the solution for the following errors.

Note 040:The Lis Environment is set up incorrectly

Note 008: Lis Environment :Generation not possible in SAP name range



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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Hi Vithul,

You may like to use transaction MCSCHECK to see what is wrong with your generation of LIS. Generation log should be able to point to the error. Its hard to know, but looks like something to do with Update control.

Standard LIS fall in the name range from S000 to S500 (or possibly more). Please check up the upper limit and create custom LIS in the right name range.

Hope this helps.

Cheers, Ashu

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When you are trying to do 'Setup LIS envirornment' for SAP Ranged LIS infosources, you will get error like

Note 008: Lis Environment :Generation not possible in SAP name range

So make sure that you are not doing setup envirornment for SAP ranged infosources. Becuse these are already available by default.

For <i>Note 040:The Lis Environment is set up incorrectly</i>

Take a look on this note



With rgds,

Anil Kumar Sharma .P

Answers (5)

Answers (5)

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Is there any data, check in RSA3. as i said if its LO, fill the setup tables. else more details of error message would help.

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Hi Gokul,

When I execute RSA3 it tells that 'DataSource 2LIS_02_S933 is not defined in the source system'. But yesterday I did all the procedure and intialized the delta and I also found the data in the datatarget(cube).



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Did you just delete the infopackages are did u delete the initialization. Make sure you have deleted the INIT, go to RSA7 in R3 and delete it.

If you are working with LO, dont forget to fill setup tables and other steps.

IF possible, The best I way is to delete all the data as well and restart the INIT. I am not sure if u r in prod.

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hi Gokul,

Actually i deleted the data and restarted it. but itz not working.



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Hi Vithul,

You can find the "Manage" of the Data Target.

If you dont know the Data Target go to RSA1 -> PSA -> Find the Request # using the "find" option. In the request see what the data target is. Now you can go to the data target and delete the request.



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Hi Dinesh,

I deleted the request from data target and created the infopackage for delta update. While scheduling the delta update i got the following message

'The last delta update was incorrect ! Therefore, no new delta update is possible.'

Whether i have to delete all the request including the initialization request?



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I deleted the delta initialization & delta update request & infopackage..Now I created all neww and tried again i got the error as 'Processing (data packet): No data '...what should i do. The only change i did was 'Initialized without data transfer'



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Hi Vithul,

From the error message it looks that REQU_A41I7WL2SPO0NZZS1MO7B4FRJ has errors. Just look at the possibilty of solving the error. If thats not possible then do the following steps:

1. Delete the error request - REQU_A41I7WL2SPO0NZZS1MO7B4FRJ from the data target.

2. Run the infopackage with <b><i>init with no data transfer</i></b>.

3. Run the delta infopackage again.



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Hi Dinesh,

I don't know where to find the error request.



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Hi vithul,

S000-S499 : SAP Defined LIS Structure.

S500-S999 : User Defined LIS Structure.

Check these number ranges. make sure that, The creating LIS Structure(Example S561) is not there already.

I hope u got it..


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Hi frnds,

Thank u all for ur helps. I used s932 lis structure. When I tried to regenerate i got sql error in r/3. now i could not get connected with r/3 server. I am not able to redo the things now. I will try after getting the r/3 connection. once again thank u for ur help.



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whether S932 lis structure ok for me.



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I finished upto initialization of delta update. data was loaded in the infocube. Now i am trying delta update but i got the following error

  • Delta request REQU_A41I7WL2SPO0NZZS1MO7B4FRJ is incorrect in the monitor

  • A repeat needs to be requested

  • Data target LISCUBE02 still includes delta request REQU_A41I7WL2SPO0NZZS1MO7B4FRJ

  • If the repeat is now loaded, then there could possibly be

  • duplicate data in the data targets

  • Request the repeat?

I don't know how to proceed. please help me.

