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Line thickness/location problems with VS 2010 Crystal SP2. Not consistent

Former Member
0 Kudos

I have a program I converted from VS 2003 to VS 2010. The original had perfect outlines created from the header, detail line, and footers. It also has 2 subreports with borders around them.

On the converted version I have the following problems.

1) The lines in the header and detail line are now thicker than they were in the past.

2) The lines in the detail section no longer line up with the box in the footer section. The box in the footer section is the proper original line thickness. Both the box and the individual lines are all set to line thickens 20. I checked the location and thickness properties of each line and box.

3) On my first subreport, it is truncating the bottom border. If I click the report in the viewer the bottom line is there.

These problems show up both on screen in the viewer and when printed. I can supply scans of the pages if desired.

Thank You,

Peter Rohlfs

Accepted Solutions (1)

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The issue is more than likely related to printer drivers. However since there is so much wrong with the report, it may be a good idea to concentrate on one issue at a time.

In any case, one of the things to look at will be the "No Printer" option. Enable this option and see how the report does now.

Make sure there is a default printer installed.

Make sure you are using the latest printer diver update.

You do not mention if this is a web or win app. If htis is a web app, see how the report does in a win app. If this is a web app, make sure the process has access to the printer drivers. See [this|] MS kb.

The other thing; we may eventually want to check with the report design guys re. the report design approach. E.g.; it may be that the report worked, but that still leaves the possibility of a faulty design that only now surfaces.


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