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limitation on hbj control in jsp ?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Has anyone experienced this wierd situation before.

I have a few hbj controls on my java iview. I am implementing a purchase order transaction (ME23N) as a java iview. Surely there are going to be a lot of hbj controls. Now I have reached a stage where it seems I cannot add any more. I get this error message. I have no idea why this is happening.

Error Message :

Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: pagelet/_sapportalsjsp_Form, method: doContent signature: (Lcom/sapportals/portal/prt/component/IPortalComponentRequest;Lcom/sapportals/portal/prt/component/IPortalComponentResponse;)V) Illegal target of jump or branch

Thanks for your help in advance


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Former Member
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This is actually a problem not with the jsp size but with the service method in the generated servlet. This is a limit stated in the JVM specs here for all methods. I'm not sure what JVM version this document is for but I think it still holds true. This will be a problem until the jspc's become a little smarter about segmenting the service method. One workaround is to segment your jsp into multiple jsp's and use the <jsp:include> tag to combine them. This also promotes reuse if done well.

Active Participant
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I had written a blog about this you can find it over here

Also look at the last comment in the blog.



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This is because of the limitation of JSP pages to only 64k. Therefore, when you use a lot of HTMLb elements in your pages, the Java compiler cannot compile the page. Therefore, I would recommend using the Java API's of the GUI elements to perform the rendering instead of using the JSP